Ahmad Jezzini
Ahmad Jezzini
Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)
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Cited by
When pliers become fingers in the monkey motor system
MA Umiltà, L Escola, I Intskirveli, F Grammont, M Rochat, F Caruana, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (6), 2209-2213, 2008
Emotional and social behaviors elicited by electrical stimulation of the insula in the macaque monkey
F Caruana, A Jezzini, B Sbriscia-Fioretti, G Rizzolatti, V Gallese
Current Biology 21 (3), 195-199, 2011
Representation of goal and movements without overt motor behavior in the human motor cortex: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
L Cattaneo, F Caruana, A Jezzini, G Rizzolatti
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (36), 11134-11138, 2009
Responses of mirror neurons in area F5 to hand and tool grasping observation
MJ Rochat, F Caruana, A Jezzini, L Escola, I Intskirveli, F Grammont, ...
Experimental brain research 204, 605-616, 2010
Functional organization of the insula and inner perisylvian regions
A Jezzini, F Caruana, I Stoianov, V Gallese, G Rizzolatti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012
Processing of hedonic and chemosensory features of taste in medial prefrontal and insular networks
A Jezzini, L Mazzucato, G La Camera, A Fontanini
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (48), 18966-18978, 2013
Anterior Cingulate Cortex and the Control of Dynamic Behavior in Primates
IE Monosov, SN Haber, EC Leuthardt, A Jezzini
Current Biology 30 (23), R1442-R1454, 2020
Microprobe array with low impedance electrodes and highly flexible polyimide cables for acute neural recording
S Kisban, S Herwik, K Seidl, B Rubehn, A Jezzini, MA Umilta, L Fogassi, ...
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
A shared neural network for emotional expression and perception: an anatomical study in the macaque monkey
A Jezzini, S Rozzi, E Borra, V Gallese, F Caruana, M Gerbella
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 9, 243, 2015
A primate temporal cortex–zona incerta pathway for novelty seeking
T Ogasawara, F Sogukpinar, K Zhang, YY Feng, J Pai, A Jezzini, ...
Nature neuroscience 25 (1), 50-60, 2022
A prefrontal network integrates preferences for advance information about uncertain rewards and punishments
A Jezzini, ES Bromberg-Martin, LR Trambaiolli, SN Haber, IE Monosov
Neuron 109 (14), 2339-2352. e5, 2021
Neuronal Activity in the Primate Amygdala during Economic Choice
A Jezzini, C Padoa-Schioppa
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (6), 1286-1301, 2020
Neuronal mechanisms of novelty seeking
T Ogasawara, F Sogukpinar, K Zhang, YY Feng, J Pai, A Jezzini, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.03. 12.435019, 2021
Toward automated electrode selection in the electronic depth control strategy for multi-unit recordings
G Van Dijck, A Jezzini, S Herwik, S Kisban, K Seidl, O Paul, P Ruther, ...
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 17-25, 2010
Intracortical Microstimulation Mapping of the Inner Perisylvian Regions: Effects on Behavior and ECG outcome. SfN Abstr
F Caruana, A Jezzini, B Sbriscia Fioretti, I Stoianov, MA Umiltà, ...
Neuronal Activity in the Gustatory Cortex during Economic Choice
A Jezzini, C Padoa-Schioppa
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (33), 2024
New insight on the functions organization of the insula of Reil and the inner perisylvian regions: a multidisciplinary approach
AM Jezzini
Università degli Studi di Parma. Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, 2010
Fabrication and validation of 1D and 2D electrode arrays for cerebral applications developed in the framework of the NeuroProbes Project
S Herwik, S Srivastava, S Kisban, P Janssen, K Benchenane, ...
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Articles 1–18