Juan M. Madera
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Cited by
Gender and letters of recommendation for academia: agentic and communal differences.
JM Madera, MR Hebl, RC Martin
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (6), 1591, 2009
Understanding and managing generational differences in the workplace
C Kapoor, N Solomon, JM Madera
Worldwide hospitality and tourism themes, 2011
The effects of leader negative emotions on evaluations of leadership in a crisis situation: The role of anger and sadness
JM Madera, DB Smith
The Leadership Quarterly 20 (2), 103-114, 2009
Strategic human resources management research in hospitality and tourism: A review of current literature and suggestions for the future
JM Madera, M Dawson, P Guchait, AM Belarmino
International journal of contemporary hospitality management 29 (1), 48-67, 2017
What drives public acceptance of nanotechnology?
SC Currall, EB King, N Lane, J Madera, S Turner
Nature nanotechnology 1 (3), 153-155, 2006
What's in a name? A multiracial investigation of the role of occupational stereotypes in selection decisions
EB King, SA Mendoza, JM Madera, MR Hebl, JL Knight
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 36 (5), 1145-1159, 2006
Using social networking websites as a selection tool: The role of selection process fairness and job pursuit intentions
JM Madera
International Journal of Hospitality Management 31 (4), 1276-1282, 2012
Bringing social identity to work: the influence of manifestation and suppression on perceived discrimination, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions.
JM Madera, EB King, MR Hebl
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 18 (2), 165, 2012
The effect of professor ethnicity and gender on student evaluations: Judged before met.
A Bavishi, JM Madera, MR Hebl
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 3 (4), 245, 2010
Supporting the productivity and wellbeing of remote workers: Lessons from COVID-19
TJ George, LE Atwater, D Maneethai, JM Madera
Organizational Dynamics 51 (2), 100869, 2022
Hotel managers’ perceived diversity climate and job satisfaction: The mediating effects of role ambiguity and conflict
JM Madera, M Dawson, JA Neal
International Journal of Hospitality Management 35, 28-34, 2013
Best practices in diversity management in customer service organizations: an investigation of top companies cited by Diversity Inc.
JM Madera
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54 (2), 124-135, 2013
Discrimination against facially stigmatized applicants in interviews: an eye-tracking and face-to-face investigation.
JM Madera, MR Hebl
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (2), 317, 2012
A systematic literature review of emotional labor research from the hospitality and tourism literature
L Lee, JM Madera
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 31 (7), 2808-2826, 2019
Transformational leadership and service recovery performance: The mediating effect of emotional labor and the influence of culture
A Luo, P Guchait, L Lee, JM Madera
International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 31-39, 2019
Organizational trust in times of COVID-19: Hospitality employees’ affective responses to managers’ communication
RF Guzzo, X Wang, JM Madera, JA Abbott
International Journal of Hospitality Management 93, 102778, 2021
Raising doubt in letters of recommendation for academia: Gender differences and their impact
JM Madera, MR Hebl, H Dial, R Martin, V Valian
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 287-303, 2019
A micro-level view of CSR: A hospitality management systematic literature review
RF Guzzo, JA Abbott, JM Madera
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 61 (3), 332-352, 2020
A strategy for diversity training: Focusing on empathy in the workplace
JM Madera, JA Neal, M Dawson
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 35 (4), 469-487, 2011
Gender diversity in hospitality and tourism top management teams: A systematic review of the last 10 years
M Russen, M Dawson, JM Madera
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102942, 2021
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Articles 1–20