Farshid Hajati
Cited by
Cited by
A patient network-based machine learning model for disease prediction: The case of type 2 diabetes mellitus
H Lu, S Uddin, F Hajati, MA Moni, M Khushi
Applied Intelligence 52 (3), 2411-2422, 2022
Ensemble learning for disease prediction: A review
P Mahajan, S Uddin, F Hajati, MA Moni
Healthcare 11 (12), 1808, 2023
SSP: Early prediction of sepsis using fully connected LSTM-CNN model
A Rafiei, A Rezaee, F Hajati, S Gheisari, M Golzan
Computers in biology and medicine 128, 104110, 2021
2.5D Face Recognition using Patch Geodesic Moments
F Hajati, AA Raie, Y Gao
Pattern Recognition 45 (3), 969-982, 2012
Dynamic texture comparison using derivative sparse representation: Application to video-based face recognition
F Hajati, M Tavakolian, S Gheisari, Y Gao, AS Mian
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (6), 970-982, 2017
Complex, intelligent, and software intensive systems
L Barolli, O Terzo
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Comorbidity and multimorbidity prediction of major chronic diseases using machine learning and network analytics
S Uddin, S Wang, H Lu, A Khan, F Hajati, M Khushi
Expert Systems with Applications 205, 117761, 2022
Short term load forecasting using multi-layer perception and fuzzy inference systems
R Barzamini, F Hajati, S Gheisari, MB Motamadinejad
Journal of Applied Sciences 12 (1), 40-47, 2012
An Efficient Method for Face Localization and Recognition in Color Images
F Hajati, K Faez, SK Pakazad
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006. SMC'06. IEEE International Conference on …, 2006
Pose-invariant 2.5 D face recognition using geodesic texture warping
F Hajati, AA Raie, Y Gao
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2010
Advances on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and …
L Barolli, P Hellinckx, T Enokido
Springer Nature, 2019
Predicting diabetes second-line therapy initiation in the Australian population via timespan-guided neural attention network
S Fiorini, F Hajati, A Barla, F Girosi
PLOS ONE 10 (14), e0211844, 2019
Surface geodesic pattern for 3D deformable texture matching
F Hajati, A Cheraghian, S Gheisari, Y Gao, AS Mian
Pattern Recognition 62, 21-32, 2017
Expression-invariant face recognition using depth and intensity dual-tree complex wavelet transform features
F Ayatollahi, AA Raie, F Hajati
Journal of Electronic Imaging 24 (2), 023031-023031, 2015
Local composition derivative pattern for palmprint recognition
F Shojaiee, F Hajati
2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 965-970, 2014
Face Detection Based on Central Geometrical Moments of Face Components.
SK Pakazad, K Faez, F Hajati
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006. SMC'06. IEEE International Conference on …, 2006
Fast covid-19 versus h1n1 screening using optimized parallel inception
A Tavakolian, F Hajati, A Rezaee, AO Fasakhodi, S Uddin
Expert systems with applications 204, 117551, 2022
Computer Vision--ACCV 2014: 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, Singapore, November 1-5, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Part V
D Cremers, I Reid, H Saito, MH Yang
Springer, 2015
Pedestrian collision avoidance using deep reinforcement learning
A Rafiei, AO Fasakhodi, F Hajati
International journal of automotive technology 23 (3), 613-622, 2022
Predictive risk modelling in mental health issues using machine learning on graphs
H Lu, S Uddin, F Hajati, M Khushi, MA Moni
Proceedings of the 2022 Australasian Computer Science Week, 168-175, 2022
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Articles 1–20