Erin Lipp
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Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global and sectoral aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the fifth assessment report of the …
KR Smith, A Woodward, D Campbell-Lendrum, DD Chadee, Y Honda, ...
Emerging marine diseases--climate links and anthropogenic factors
CD Harvell, K Kim, JM Burkholder, RR Colwell, PR Epstein, DJ Grimes, ...
Science 285 (5433), 1505-1510, 1999
Effects of global climate on infectious disease: the cholera model
EK Lipp, A Huq, RR Colwell
Clinical microbiology reviews 15 (4), 757-770, 2002
Enteric viruses of humans and animals in aquatic environments: health risks, detection, and potential water quality assessment tools
TT Fong, EK Lipp
Microbiology and molecular biology reviews 69 (2), 357-371, 2005
Climate variability and change in the United States: potential impacts on water-and foodborne diseases caused by microbiologic agents.
JB Rose, PR Epstein, EK Lipp, BH Sherman, SM Bernard, JA Patz
Environmental health perspectives 109 (suppl 2), 211-221, 2001
Assessment and impact of microbial fecal pollution and human enteric pathogens in a coastal community
EK Lipp, SA Farrah, JB Rose
Marine pollution bulletin 42 (4), 286-293, 2001
The effects of seasonal variability and weather on microbial fecal pollution and enteric pathogens in a subtropical estuary
EK Lipp, R Kurz, R Vincent, C Rodriguez-Palacios, SR Farrah, JB Rose
Estuaries 24, 266-276, 2001
The role of seafood in foodborne diseases in the United States of America
EK Lipp, JB Rose
Revue Scientifique et Technique-Office International des Epizooties 16 (2 …, 1997
Distribution, diversity, and seasonality of waterborne salmonellae in a rural watershed
BJ Haley, DJ Cole, EK Lipp
Applied and environmental microbiology 75 (5), 1248-1255, 2009
Detection of viral pathogens by reverse transcriptase PCR and of microbial indicators by standard methods in the canals of the Florida Keys
DW Griffin, CJ Gibson III, EK Lipp, K Riley, JH Paul III, JB Rose
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65 (9), 4118-4125, 1999
Minimizing errors in RT-PCR detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for wastewater surveillance
W Ahmed, SL Simpson, PM Bertsch, K Bibby, A Bivins, LL Blackall, ...
Science of the Total Environment 805, 149877, 2022
Marine Recreation and Public Health Microbiology: Quest for the Ideal Indicator: This article addresses the historic, recent, and future directions in microbiological water …
DW Griffin, EK Lipp, MR Mclaughlin, JB Rose
Bioscience 51 (10), 817-825, 2001
Plankton composition and environmental factors contribute to Vibrio seasonality
JW Turner, B Good, D Cole, EK Lipp
The ISME journal 3 (9), 1082-1092, 2009
Molecular assays for targeting human and bovine enteric viruses in coastal waters and their application for library-independent source tracking
TT Fong, DW Griffin, EK Lipp
Applied and environmental microbiology 71 (4), 2070-2078, 2005
ENSO influences on seasonal rainfall and river discharge in Florida
N Schmidt, EK Lipp, JB Rose, ME Luther
Journal of Climate 14 (4), 615-628, 2001
Human pathogen shown to cause disease in the threatened eklhorn coral Acropora palmata
KP Sutherland, S Shaban, JL Joyner, JW Porter, EK Lipp
PloS one 6 (8), e23468, 2011
Human sewage identified as likely source of white pox disease of the threatened Caribbean elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata
KP Sutherland, JW Porter, JW Turner, BJ Thomas, EE Looney, TP Luna, ...
Environmental microbiology 12 (5), 1122-1131, 2010
Occurrence and distribution of Vibrio cholerae in the coastal environment of Peru
AI Gil, VR Louis, ING Rivera, E Lipp, A Huq, CF Lanata, DN Taylor, ...
Environmental microbiology 6 (7), 699-706, 2004
Direct Detection of Vibrio cholerae and ctxA in Peruvian Coastal Water and Plankton by PCR
EK Lipp, ING Rivera, AI Gil, EM Espeland, N Choopun, VR Louis, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (6), 3676-3680, 2003
Preliminary evidence for human fecal contamination in corals of the Florida Keys, USA
EK Lipp, JL Jarrell, DW Griffin, J Lukasik, J Jacukiewicz, JB Rose
Marine pollution bulletin 44 (7), 666-670, 2002
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Articles 1–20