Albert Lee
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Religion replenishes self-control
K Rounding, A Lee, JA Jacobson, LJ Ji
Psychological science 23 (6), 635-642, 2012
It was meant to happen: explaining cultural variations in fate attributions.
A Norenzayan, A Lee
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98 (5), 702, 2010
The thinking styles of Chinese people
LJ Ji, A Lee, T Guo
The Oxford handbook of Chinese psychology, 155-169, 2010
Moving away from a bad past and towards a good future: Feelings influence the metaphorical understanding of time
A Lee, LJ Ji
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2013
From the cradle to the web: The growth of “sharenting” — A scientometric perspective
G Cataldo I., Lieu A. A., Carollo A., Bornstein M., Gabrieli G., Lee A ...
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 5607422, 2022
An analysis of the generalizability and stability of the halo effect during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak
G Gabrieli, A Lee, P Setoh, G Esposito
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 547, 2021
Cultural differences in people’s psychological response to COVID-19
S Yap, A Lee, LJ Ji, Y Li, Y Dong
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 2021
Culture and gambling fallacies
Z Ji, L.J., McGeorge, K., Li, Y., Lee, A., & Zhang
Springerplus, 2015
A cross-cultural study of the effect of parental bonding on the perception and response to criticism in Singapore, Italy and USA
MJY Neoh, A Carollo, A Bonassi, C Mulatti, A Lee, G Esposito
PLoS ONE, 2021
Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries
MIT Olsson, S Van Grootel, K Block, C Schuster, L Meeussen, C Van Laar, ...
Political psychology 44 (6), 1163-1192, 2023
Fear Goliath or David? Inferring competence from demeanor across cultures
A Lee, LJ Ji, Y Li, Z Zhang
Personality and social psychology bulletin 46 (7), 1074-1089, 2020
Mind your meat: Religious differences in the social perception of animals
K Manokara, A Lee, SV Kamble, EG Krumhuber
International Journal of Psychology 56 (3), 466-477, 2021
Age differences in leadership positions across cultures
T Vaughan-Johnston, F Imtiaz, A Lee, LJ Ji
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
Judging a book by its cover: Cultural differences in inference of the inner state based on the outward appearance
LJ Ji, A Lee, Z Zhang, Y Li, XQ Wang, D Torok, S Rosenbaum
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Culture, assumptions about the world, and interpretations of children's disabilities
FX Chen, A Lee
Research in Developmental Disabilities 111, 103877, 2021
The impact of self-construal and thinking style on business and management practices: A comparison of East Asia and North America
A Lee, LJ Ji, N Bu
International Business and the New Asia-Pacific, 2021
The book of life in the double helix: Cultural differences in biological beliefs
A Lee
Queen's University, 2009
Negative emotional reactions to criticism: Perceived criticism and source affects extent of hurt and relational distancing
MJY Neoh, JH Teng, A Lee, P Setoh, C Mulatti, G Esposito
PloS one 17 (8), e0271869, 2022
Low residential mobility and novelty-seeking consumption
K Ito, T Su-May Tan, A Lee, LMW Li
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 50 (10), 1242-1252, 2019
Cultural manifestations of infant caregiving
A Lee
Parenting: Science and Practice, 2019
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