Eric Lamberg
Eric Lamberg
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Applying principles of motor learning and control to upper extremity rehabilitation
LM Muratori, EM Lamberg, L Quinn, SV Duff
Journal of Hand Therapy 26 (2), 94-103, 2013
Cell phones change the way we walk
EM Lamberg, LM Muratori
Gait & posture 35 (4), 688-690, 2012
Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy
TL McIsaac, EM Lamberg, LM Muratori
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 591475, 2015
Individuals with low back pain breathe differently than healthy individuals during a lifting task
M Hagins, EM Lamberg
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 41 (3), 141-148, 2011
Norepinephrine and cardiovascular responses to maximal exercise in Parkinson's disease on and off medication
J DiFrancisco‐Donoghue, A Elokda, EM Lamberg, N Bono, WG Werner
Movement Disorders 24 (12), 1773-1778, 2009
Breath control during manual free-style lifting of a maximally tolerated load
EM Lamberg, M Hagins
Ergonomics 53 (3), 385-392, 2010
Cardiovascular response to treadmill testing in Parkinson disease
WG Werner, J DiFrancisco-Donoghue, EM Lamberg
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 30 (2), 68-73, 2006
Balance in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
M Varedi, R McKenna, EM Lamberg
Pediatrics International 59 (3), 293-302, 2017
The effects of low back pain on natural breath control during a lowering task
EM Lamberg, M Hagins
European journal of applied physiology 112, 3519-3524, 2012
Standing balance in people with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes: A literature review
M Seth, E Lamberg
Prosthetics and Orthotics International 41 (4), 345-355, 2017
The 2-and 8-week effects of decompressive brace use in people with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis
EM Lamberg, R Streb, M Werner, I Kremenic, J Penna
Prosthetics and Orthotics International 40 (4), 447-453, 2016
Effects of exercise and B vitamins on homocysteine and glutathione in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized trial
J DiFrancisco-Donoghue, EM Lamberg, E Rabin, A Elokda, E Fazzini, ...
Neurodegenerative Diseases 10 (1-4), 127-134, 2012
Natural breath control during lifting tasks: effect of load
M Hagins, EM Lamberg
European journal of applied physiology 96, 453-458, 2006
Effects of exercise induced oxidative stress on glutathione levels in Parkinson’s disease on and off medication
A Elokda, J DiFrancisco-Donoghue, EM Lamberg, WG Werner
Journal of neurology 257, 1648-1653, 2010
Effects of tyrosine on Parkinson's disease: a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial
J DiFrancisco‐Donoghue, E Rabin, EM Lamberg, WG Werner
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 1 (4), 348-353, 2014
Harness-supported versus conventional treadmill training for people with lower-limb amputation: a preliminary report
EM Lamberg, LM Muratori, R Streb, M Werner, J Penna
JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 26 (2), 93-98, 2014
Trends in availability and usage of biophysical agents among physical therapists in the United States
JL Greco, EM Lamberg, RF McKenna, LM Muratori
Physical Therapy Reviews 23 (2), 116-123, 2018
Internal representations underlying respiration during object manipulation
EM Lamberg, JH Mateika, L Cherry, AM Gordon
Brain research 982 (2), 270-279, 2003
Biophysical agent curriculum in entry-level physical therapist education programs across the United States: a survey
JL Greco, EM Lamberg
Journal of Physical Therapy Education 34 (2), 138-149, 2020
Breath control during a tiptoe task
EM Lamberg, M Hagins
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 30 (3), 178-182, 2014
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