Manuel I. Castillo
Manuel I. Castillo
PhD in Oceanography, Universidad de Concepcion. PostDoc in Universidad de Valparaíso
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Along-shore larval dispersal kernels in a numerical ocean model of the central Chilean coast
CM Aiken, SA Navarrete, MI Castillo, JC Castilla
Marine Ecology Progress Series 339, 13-24, 2007
Latitudinal discontinuity in thermal conditions along the nearshore of central-northern Chile
FJ Tapia, JL Largier, M Castillo, EA Wieters, SA Navarrete
PLoS One 9 (10), e110841, 2014
Thermal indices of upwelling effects on inner-shelf habitats
FJ Tapia, SA Navarrete, M Castillo, BA Menge, JC Castilla, J Largier, ...
Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4), 278-287, 2009
Seasonal hydrography and surface outflow in a fjord with a deep sill: the Reloncaví fjord, Chile
MI Castillo, U Cifuentes, O Pizarro, L Djurfeldt, M Cáceres
Ocean Science 12, 533-544, 2016
A simulation of the Chilean Coastal Current and associated topographic upwelling near Valparaíso, Chile
CM Aiken, MI Castillo, SA Navarrete
Continental Shelf Research 28 (17), 2371-2381, 2008
Subtidal dynamics in a deep fjord of southern Chile
MI Castillo, O Pizarro, U Cifuentes, N Ramirez, L Djurfeldt
Continental Shelf Research 49, 73-89, 2012
Effects of sill processes on the distribution of epineustonic competent larvae in a stratified system of Southern Chile
C Molinet, A Valle-Levinson, CA Moreno, M Cáceres, M Bello, M Castillo
Marine Ecology Progress Series 324, 95-104, 2006
Cutting time prediction methods in cheese making
M Castillo
Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering 1 (1-7), 2006
Movimientos sociales y crisis: el caso peruano
E Ballón, M Castillo
(No Title), 1986
Lateral variability of flow over a sill in a channel of southern Chile
M Cáceres, A Valle-Levinson, C Molinet, M Castillo, M Bello, C Moreno
Ocean Dynamics 56, 352-359, 2006
Turbulence and hypoxia contribute to dense biological scattering layers in a Patagonian fjord system
I Pérez-Santos, L Castro, L Ross, E Niklitschek, N Mayorga, L Cubillos, ...
Ocean Science 14 (5), 1185-1206, 2018
Influencia de los medios de comunicación en la educación actual
M Castillo
Recuperado de: www. eduinnova. es/monografias09/medios_comunicacion. pdf, 2009
Water age variability in a Patagonian fjord
E Pinilla, MI Castillo, I Pérez-Santos, O Venegas, A Valle-Levinson
Journal of Marine Systems 210, 103376, 2020
Wind-induced exchange at the entrance to Concepción Bay, an equatorward facing embayment in central Chile
A Valle–Levinson, W Schneider, M Sobarzo, M Bello, L Bravo, M Castillo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (20-21), 2371-2388, 2004
Caracterización del régimen de mareas y corrientes a lo largo del canal Moraleda (43° 54'S-45° 17'S)
J Fierro, M Bravo, M Castillo
Comité Oceanográfico Nacional, 2000
Oceanographic and lunar forcing affects nearshore larval fish assemblages from temperate rocky reefs
M Díaz-Astudillo, MI Castillo, MA Cáceres, G Plaza, MF Landaeta
Marine Biology Research 13 (10), 1015-1026, 2017
Growth and mortality of larval anchoveta Engraulis ringens, in northern Chile during winter and their relationship with coastal hydrographic conditions
JE Contreras, C Rodriguez‐Valentino, MF Landaeta, G Plaza, MI Castillo, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 26 (6), 603-614, 2017
Nearshore environmental conditions influence larval growth and shape changes for a temperate rocky reef fish
MF Landaeta, V Bernal-Durán, MI Castillo, M Díaz-Astudillo, ...
Hydrobiologia 839, 159-176, 2019
Underwater glider observations in the oxygen minimum zone off central Chile
O Pizarro, N Ramírez, MI Castillo, U Cifuentes, W Rojas, M Pizarro-Koch
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (10), 1783-1789, 2016
Oceanographic influences on the early life stages of a mesopelagic fish across the Chilean Patagonia
V Molina-Valdivia, CA Bustos, MI Castillo, FV Search, G Plaza, ...
Progress in Oceanography 195, 102572, 2021
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