Colin de la Higuera
Colin de la Higuera
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Cited by
Grammatical inference: learning automata and grammars
C De la Higuera
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Probabilistic finite-state machines-part I
E Vidal, F Thollard, C De La Higuera, F Casacuberta, RC Carrasco
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 27 (7), 1013-1025, 2005
A bibliographical study of grammatical inference
C De La Higuera
Pattern recognition 38 (9), 1332-1348, 2005
Characteristic sets for polynomial grammatical inference
C De La Higuera
Machine Learning 27, 125-138, 1997
Probabilistic finite-state machines-part II
E Vidal, F Thollard, C De La Higuera, F Casacuberta, RC Carrasco
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 27 (7), 1026-1039, 2005
Topology of strings: Median string is NP-complete
C de la Higuera, F Casacuberta
Theoretical computer science 230 (1-2), 39-48, 2000
Computational complexity of problems on probabilistic grammars and transducers
F Casacuberta, C De La Higuera
International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, 15-24, 2000
Current trends in grammatical inference
C De La Higuera
Advances in Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR …, 2000
PAutomaC: a probabilistic automata and hidden Markov models learning competition
S Verwer, R Eyraud, C De La Higuera
Machine learning 96, 129-154, 2014
Handbook of successful open teaching practices
A García-Holgado, F Nascimbeni, FJ Garcia-Peñalvo, J Brunton, ...
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), 2020
Identification of DFA: Data-dependent versus data-independent algorithms
C De La Higuera, J Oncina, E Vidal
Grammatical Interference: Learning Syntax from Sentences: Third …, 1996
Polynomial algorithms for subisomorphism of nd open combinatorial maps
G Damiand, C Solnon, C De la Higuera, JC Janodet, É Samuel
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (7), 996-1010, 2011
Grammatical inference for computational linguistics
J Heinz, C De la Higuera, M Van Zaanen
Springer Nature, 2022
Inferring deterministic linear languages
C De La Higuera, J Oncina
International Conference on Computational Learning Theory, 185-200, 2002
Learning stochastic finite automata
C de la Higuera, J Oncina
Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications: 7th International …, 2004
Identification in the limit with probability one of stochastic deterministic finite automata
C De La Higuera, F Thollard
Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications: 5th International …, 2000
On the complexity of submap isomorphism and maximum common submap problems
C Solnon, G Damiand, C De La Higuera, JC Janodet
Pattern Recognition 48 (2), 302-316, 2015
Zulu: An interactive learning competition
D Combe, C De La Higuera, JC Janodet
Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing: 8th International …, 2010
LARS: A learning algorithm for rewriting systems
R Eyraud, C De La Higuera, JC Janodet
Machine Learning 66 (1), 7-31, 2007
A polynomial algorithm for submap isomorphism: Application to searching patterns in images
G Damiand, C De La Higuera, JC Janodet, É Samuel, C Solnon
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 7th IAPR-TC-15 …, 2009
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Articles 1–20