Sebastien Dryepondt
Sebastien Dryepondt
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Cited by
Mechanical response and deformation mechanisms of ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened steel structures produced by selective laser melting
T Boegelein, SN Dryepondt, A Pandey, K Dawson, GJ Tatlock
Acta Materialia 87, 201-215, 2015
Development of low-Cr ODS FeCrAl alloys for accident-tolerant fuel cladding
S Dryepondt, KA Unocic, DT Hoelzer, CP Massey, BA Pint
Journal of Nuclear Materials 501, 59-71, 2018
Cladding burst behavior of Fe-based alloys under LOCA
CP Massey, KA Terrani, SN Dryepondt, BA Pint
Journal of Nuclear Materials 470, 128-138, 2016
Microstructure and high temperature tensile properties of 316L fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion
S Dryepondt, P Nandwana, P Fernandez-Zelaia, F List III
Additive Manufacturing 37, 101723, 2021
Development of ODS FeCrAl for compatibility in fusion and fission energy applications
BA Pint, S Dryepondt, KA Unocic, DT Hoelzer
Jom 66, 2458-2466, 2014
High-temperature performance of UNS N07718 processed by additive manufacturing
KA Unocic, LM Kolbus, RR Dehoff, SN Dryepondt, BA Pint
NACE corrosion 2014, 2014
Nickel-based superalloy single crystals fabricated via electron beam melting
P Fernandez-Zelaia, MM Kirka, AM Rossy, Y Lee, SN Dryepondt
Acta Materialia 216, 117133, 2021
Evaluation of additive electron beam melting of haynes 282 alloy
KA Unocic, MM Kirka, E Cakmak, D Greeley, AO Okello, S Dryepondt
Materials Science and Engineering: A 772, 138607, 2020
Static and dynamic aspects of coupling between creep behavior and oxidation on MC2 single crystal superalloy at 1150 C
S Dryepondt, D Monceau, F Crabos, E Andrieu
Acta materialia 53 (15), 4199-4209, 2005
Multiscale investigations of nanoprecipitate nucleation, growth, and coarsening in annealed low-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened FeCrAl powder
CP Massey, SN Dryepondt, PD Edmondson, MG Frith, KC Littrell, A Kini, ...
Acta Materialia 166, 1-17, 2019
High temperature air oxidation behavior of Hastelloy X processed by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
M Romedenne, R Pillai, M Kirka, S Dryepondt
Corrosion Science 171, 108647, 2020
Influence of mechanical alloying and extrusion conditions on the microstructure and tensile properties of Low-Cr ODS FeCrAl alloys
CP Massey, SN Dryepondt, PD Edmondson, KA Terrani, SJ Zinkle
Journal of Nuclear Materials 512, 227-238, 2018
Crystallographic texture control in electron beam additive manufacturing via conductive manipulation
P Fernandez-Zelaia, MM Kirka, SN Dryepondt, MN Gussev
Materials & Design 195, 109010, 2020
Effect of environment on the scale formed on oxide dispersion strengthened FeCrAl at 1050 C and 1100 C
KA Unocic, E Essuman, S Dryepondt, BA Pint
Materials at High Temperatures 29 (3), 171-180, 2012
On the initiation of cyclic oxidation-induced rumpling of platinum-modified nickel aluminide coatings
S Dryepondt, JR Porter, DR Clarke
Acta Materialia 57 (6), 1717-1723, 2009
Creep and corrosion testing of aluminide coatings on ferritic–martensitic substrates
S Dryepondt, Y Zhang, BA Pint
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (7), 3880-3884, 2006
Oxidation of superalloys in extreme environments
BA Pint, K Unocic, S Dryepondt, E Ott, J Groh, A Banik, I Dempster, ...
7th International Symposium on Superalloy 718, 861-875, 2010
Mechanistic-based lifetime predictions for high-temperature alloys and coatings
BA Pint, S Dryepondt, ARV Put, Y Zhang
JOM 64, 1454-1460, 2012
High temperature high strength austenitic steel fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion
S Dryepondt, P Nandwana, KA Unocic, R Kannan, PF Zelaia, FA List III
Acta Materialia 231, 117876, 2022
The effect of Zr on precipitation in oxide dispersion strengthened FeCrAl alloys
CP Massey, PD Edmondson, KA Unocic, Y Yang, SN Dryepondt, A Kini, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 533, 152105, 2020
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Articles 1–20