Ossama Younis
Ossama Younis
Chief Computer Scientist (Unaffiliated)
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HEED: a hybrid, energy-efficient, distributed clustering approach for ad hoc sensor networks
O Younis, S Fahmy
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 3 (4), 366-379, 2004
Distributed clustering in ad-hoc sensor networks: A hybrid, energy-efficient approach
O Younis, S Fahmy
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 1, 2004
Node clustering in wireless sensor networks: Recent developments and deployment challenges
O Younis, M Krunz, S Ramasubramanian
IEEE network 20 (3), 20-25, 2006
An energy-aware distributed clustering protocol in wireless sensor networks using fuzzy logic
H Taheri, P Neamatollahi, OM Younis, S Naghibzadeh, MH Yaghmaee
Ad Hoc Networks 10 (7), 1469-1481, 2012
MAC protocol for opportunistic cognitive radio networks with soft guarantees
HB Salameh, M Krunz, O Younis
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 8 (10), 1339-1352, 2009
Constraint-based routing in the internet: Basic principles and recent research
O Younis, S Fahmy
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 5 (1), 2-13, 2003
An experimental study of routing and data aggregation in sensor networks
O Younis, S Fahmy
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference …, 2005
Cooperative adaptive spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks
HAB Salameh, M Krunz, O Younis
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 18 (4), 1181-1194, 2010
Energy-efficient clustering/routing for cooperative MIMO operation in sensor networks
MZ Siam, M Krunz, O Younis
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 621-629, 2009
Hierarchical clustering-task scheduling policy in cluster-based wireless sensor networks
P Neamatollahi, S Abrishami, M Naghibzadeh, MHY Moghaddam, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (5), 1876-1886, 2017
Employing cyber-physical systems: Dynamic traffic light control at road intersections
O Younis, N Moayeri
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (6), 2286-2296, 2017
Cognitive manet design for mission-critical networks
O Younis, L Kant, K Chang, K Young, C Graff
IEEE Communications Magazine 47 (10), 64-71, 2009
Maintaining colored trees for disjoint multipath routing under node failures
G Jayavelu, S Ramasubramanian, O Younis
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 17 (1), 346-359, 2008
Robust communications for sensor networks in hostile environments
O Younis, S Fahmy, P Santi
Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service, 2004. IWQOS 2004 …, 2004
An architecture for robust sensor network communications
O Younis, S Fahmy, P Santi
International Journal of distributed sensor networks 1 (3-4), 305-327, 2005
GMAC: A game-theoretic MAC protocol for mobile ad hoc networks
F Wang, O Younis, M Krunz
2006 4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad …, 2006
Distance-and traffic-aware channel assignment in cognitive radio networks
HB Salameh, M Krunz, O Younis
2008 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2008
Distributed clustering for scalable, long-lived sensor networks
O Younis, S Fahmy
Network science based approaches to design and analyze MANETs for military applications
L Kant, K Young, O Younis, D Shallcross, K Sinkar, A Mcauley, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (11), 55-61, 2008
Flowmate: Scalable on-line flow clustering
O Younis, S Fahmy
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 13 (2), 288-301, 2005
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Articles 1–20