Andreas Jungherr
Andreas Jungherr
Political Science, esp. Digital Transformation, University of Bamberg
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Cited by
Twitter use in election campaigns: A systematic literature review
A Jungherr
Journal of information technology & politics 13 (1), 72-91, 2016
Why the Pirate Party Won the German Election of 2009 or The Trouble With Predictions: A Response to Tumasjan, A., Sprenger, TO, Sander, PG, & Welpe, IM “Predicting Elections …
A Jungherr, P Jürgens, H Schoen
Social Science Computer Review 30 (2), 229-234, 2012
The logic of political coverage on Twitter: Temporal dynamics and content
A Jungherr
Journal of Communication 64 (2), 239-259, 2014
Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data: The Role of Twitter Messages in Social Science Research
A Jungherr
Springer, 2015
Retooling politics: How digital media are shaping democracy
A Jungherr, GR Rodríguez, G Rivero, D Gayo-Avello
Cambridge University Press, 2020
The mediation of politics through Twitter: An analysis of messages posted during the campaign for the German federal election 2013
A Jungherr, H Schoen, P Jürgens
Journal of computer-mediated communication 21 (1), 50-68, 2016
Discursive Power in Contemporary Media Systems: A Comparative Framework
A Jungherr, O Posegga, J An
The International Journal of Press/Politics 24 (4), 404-425, 2019
Digital trace data in the study of public opinion: An indicator of attention toward politics rather than political support
A Jungherr, H Schoen, O Posegga, P Jürgens
Social Science Computer Review 35 (3), 336-356, 2017
Disinformation and the structural transformations of the public arena: Addressing the actual challenges to democracy
A Jungherr, R Schroeder
Social Media+ Society 7 (1), 2056305121988928, 2021
The Political Click: Political Participation through E-Petitions in Germany
A Jungherr, P Jürgens
Policy & Internet 2 (4), 131-165, 2010
Small Worlds with a Difference: New Gatekeepers and the Filtering of Political Information on Twitter
P Jürgens, A Jungherr, H Schoen
WebSci '11: Proceedings of the 3rd International Web Science Conference …, 2011
Four functions of digital tools in election campaigns: The German case
A Jungherr
The International Journal of Press/Politics 21 (3), 358-377, 2016
Das Internet in Wahlkämpfen: Konzepte, Wirkungen und Kampagnenfunktionen
A Jungherr, H Schoen
Springer VS, 2013
The extended reach of game engine companies: How companies like epic games and Unity technologies provide platforms for extended reality applications and the metaverse
A Jungherr, DB Schlarb
Social Media+ Society 8 (2), 20563051221107641, 2022
Artificial intelligence and democracy: A conceptual framework
A Jungherr
Social media+ society 9 (3), 20563051231186353, 2023
Computational social science and the study of political communication
Y Theocharis, A Jungherr
Political Communication 38 (1-2), 1-22, 2021
Tweets and Votes, a Special Relationship: The 2009 Federal Election in Germany
A Jungherr
PLEAD’13, 2013
Digital media and the surge of political outsiders: Explaining the success of political challengers in the United States, Germany, and China
A Jungherr, R Schroeder, S Stier
Social Media+ Society 5 (3), 2056305119875439, 2019
The use of Twitter during the 2009 German national election
P Jürgens, A Jungherr
German politics 24 (4), 469-490, 2015
Forecasting the pulse: how deviations from regular patterns in online data can identify offline phenomena
A Jungherr, P Jürgens
Internet Research 23 (5), 589-607, 2013
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Articles 1–20