Káthia Marcal de Oliveira
Káthia Marcal de Oliveira
Professor of Computer Science, LAMIH CNRS UMR 8201, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
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Cited by
A study of the documentation essential to software maintenance
SCB de Souza, N Anquetil, KM de Oliveira
Proceedings of the 23rd annual international conference on Design of …, 2005
Standardized usability questionnaires: Features and quality focus
A Assila, H Ezzedine
Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 6 (1), 2016
Software maintenance seen as a knowledge management issue
N Anquetil, KM de Oliveira, KD de Sousa, MGB Dias
Information and Software Technology 49 (5), 515-529, 2007
On challenges in engineering IoT software systems
RC Motta, KM De Oliveira, GH Travassos
Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian symposium on software engineering, 42-51, 2018
Transportation ontology definition and application for the content personalization of user interfaces
KTMA De Oliveira, F Bacha, H Mnasser, M Abed
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (8), 3145-3159, 2013
A public transportation ontology to support user travel planning
M Houda, M Khemaja, K Oliveira, M Abed
2010 Fourth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2010
Organizing the knowledge used in software maintenance.
MGB Dias, N Anquetil, KM de Oliveira
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 9 (7), 641-658, 2003
What changes from ubiquitous computing to internet of things in interaction evaluation?
RMC Andrade, RM Carvalho, IL de Araújo, KM Oliveira, MEF Maia
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: 5th International …, 2017
Test case design for context-aware applications: Are we there yet?
I de Sousa Santos, RM de Castro Andrade, LS Rocha, S Matalonga, ...
Information and Software Technology 88, 1-16, 2017
Domain-oriented software development environment
KM de Oliveira, F Zlot, AR Rocha, GH Travassos, C Galotta, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 72 (2), 145-161, 2004
Modelo de Referęncia para Melhoria de Processo de Software: uma abordagem brasileira
KC Weber, AR Rocha, Â Alves, AM Ayala, A Gonçalves, B Paret, ...
XXX Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica (CLEI2004), Sesión 13, 20-10, 2004
Which documentation for software maintenance?
SCB de Souza, N Anquetil, KM de Oliveira
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 12, 31-44, 2006
Quality characteristics and measures for human–computer interaction evaluation in ubiquitous systems
RM Carvalho, RM de Castro Andrade, KM de Oliveira, I de Sousa Santos, ...
Software Quality Journal 25, 743-795, 2017
AQUArIUM-A suite of software measures for HCI quality evaluation of ubiquitous mobile applications
RM Carvalho, RM de Castro Andrade, KM de Oliveira
Journal of Systems and Software 136, 101-136, 2018
Software maintenance ontology
N Anquetil, KM de Oliveira, MGB Dias
Ontologies for software engineering and software technology, 153-173, 2006
Defining a catalog of indicators to support process performance analysis
LFS Monteiro, KM de Oliveira
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 23 (6 …, 2011
A risk taxonomy proposal for software maintenance
KPB Webster, KM de Oliveira, N Anquetil
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), 453-461, 2005
A conceptual perspective on interoperability in context-aware software systems
RC Motta, KM de Oliveira, GH Travassos
Information and Software Technology 114, 231-257, 2019
A quality model for human-computer interaction evaluation in ubiquitous systems
RM Santos, KM De Oliveira, RMC Andrade, IS Santos, ER Lima
Latin American conference on human computer interaction, 63-70, 2013
Using domain-knowledge in software development environments
KM Oliveira, AR Rocha, GH Travassos, C Menezes
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and …, 1999
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Articles 1–20