Paige Haber-Curran
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Cited by
National leadership education research agenda 2013-2018: Providing strategic direction for the field of leadership education
AC Andenoro, SJ Allen, P Haber-Curran, DM Jenkins, M Sowcik, ...
Retrieved from Association of Leadership Educators website: http …, 2013
Predicting the individual values of the social change model of leadership development: The role of college students’ leadership and involvement experiences
P Haber, SR Komives
Journal of leadership education 7 (3), 133-166, 2008
Emotionally intelligent leadership for students: facilitation and activity guide
ML Shankman, SJ Allen
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Perceptions of leadership: An examination of college students’ understandings of the concept of leadership
P Haber
Journal of Leadership Education 11 (2), 26-51, 2012
Student-centered transformative learning in leadership education: An examination of the teaching and learning process
P Haber-Curran, DW Tillapaugh
Journal of Transformative Education 13 (1), 65-84, 2015
Peer Education in Student Leadership Programs: Responding to Co-Curricular Challenge
P Haber
New Directions for Student Services: Emerging issues and practices in peer …, 2011
Leadership learning through student-centered and inquiry-focused approaches to teaching adaptive leadership
P Haber-Curran, DW Tillapaugh
Journal of Leadership Education 12 (1), 92-116, 2013
Theorizing women & leadership: New insights & contributions from multiple perspectives
J Storberg-Walker, P Haber-Curran
IAP, 2017
Student Leadership Development for Girls and Young Women.
P Haber‐Curran, L Sulpizio
New directions for student leadership 2017 (154), 2017
The delicate balancing act: Challenges and successes facing college student women in formal leadership roles
P Haber-Curran
NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education 6 (1), 71-98, 2013
Formal leadership program models
P Haber
The handbook for student leadership development 2, 231-258, 2011
Mentors’ personal growth and development in a college access mentorship program
P Haber-Curran, D Everman, MA Martinez
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 25 (4), 485-503, 2017
Gender and student leadership: A critical examination
P Haber‐Curran, D Tillapaugh
New directions for student leadership 2017 (154), 11-22, 2017
The Enduring and Elusive Quest for a General Theory of Leadership: Initial Efforts and New Horizons
G Sorenson, GR Geothals, P Haber
The SAGE Handbook of Leadership, 29, 2011
Cocurricular involvement, formal leadership roles, and leadership education: Experiences predicting college student socially responsible leadership outcomes
P Haber
University of Maryland, College Park, 2006
Developing emotionally intelligent leadership: The need for deliberate practice and collaboration across disciplines
SJ Allen, ML Shankman, P Haber‐Curran
New directions for higher education 2016 (174), 79-91, 2016
Iron sharpens iron: Exploring the experiences of female college student leaders
P Haber
Advancing Women in Leadership Journal 31, 86-101, 2011
Structure, design, and models of student leadership programs
P Haber
Handbook for student leadership programs, 29-51, 2006
Learning leadership abroad: An overview of a short-term leadership-focused study abroad program in Italy
DM Rosch, P Haber-Curran
Journal of Leadership Education 12 (2), 148-154, 2013
Developing intercultural competence in future student affairs professionals through a graduate student global study course to Doha, Qatar
P Haber, C Getz
Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice 14 (4), 2011
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Articles 1–20