Andrew W. Delton
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Cited by
The influence of mortality and socioeconomic status on risk and delayed rewards: a life history theory approach.
V Griskevicius, JM Tybur, AW Delton, TE Robertson
Journal of personality and social psychology 100 (6), 1015, 2011
Functional projection: how fundamental social motives can bias interpersonal perception.
JK Maner, DT Kenrick, DV Becker, TE Robertson, B Hofer, SL Neuberg, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (1), 63, 2005
When the economy falters, do people spend or save? Responses to resource scarcity depend on childhood environments
V Griskevicius, JM Ackerman, SM Cantú, AW Delton, TE Robertson, ...
Psychological science 24 (2), 197-205, 2013
Environmental contingency in life history strategies: The influence of mortality and socioeconomic status on reproductive timing.
V Griskevicius, AW Delton, TE Robertson, JM Tybur
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 100, 241-254, 2010
Sexually selective cognition: beauty captures the mind of the beholder.
JK Maner, DT Kenrick, DV Becker, AW Delton, B Hofer, CJ Wilbur, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Personality and …, 2003
Evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty can explain human generosity in one-shot encounters
AW Delton, MM Krasnow, L Cosmides, J Tooby
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (32), 13335-13340, 2011
The financial consequences of too many men: sex ratio effects on saving, borrowing, and spending.
V Griskevicius, JM Tybur, JM Ackerman, AW Delton, TE Robertson, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (1), 69, 2012
Facing the future: Memory as an evolved system for planning future acts
SB Klein, TE Robertson, AW Delton
Memory & cognition 38, 13-22, 2010
Cross-cultural differences and similarities in proneness to shame: An adaptationist and ecological approach
D Sznycer, K Takemura, AW Delton, K Sato, T Robertson, L Cosmides, ...
Evolutionary Psychology 10 (2), 147470491201000213, 2012
The psychosemantics of free riding: dissecting the architecture of a moral concept.
AW Delton, L Cosmides, M Guemo, TE Robertson, J Tooby
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (6), 1252, 2012
Looking under the hood of third-party punishment reveals design for personal benefit
MM Krasnow, AW Delton, L Cosmides, J Tooby
Psychological science 27 (3), 405-418, 2016
How the mind makes welfare tradeoffs: Evolution, computation, and emotion
AW Delton, TE Robertson
Current Opinion in Psychology 7, 12-16, 2016
The future-orientation of memory: Planning as a key component mediating the high levels of recall found with survival processing
SB Klein, TE Robertson, AW Delton
Memory 19 (2), 121-139, 2011
The true trigger of shame: Social devaluation is sufficient, wrongdoing is unnecessary
TE Robertson, D Sznycer, AW Delton, J Tooby, L Cosmides
Evolution and Human Behavior 39 (5), 566-573, 2018
The psychology of deterrence explains why group membership matters for third-party punishment
AW Delton, MM Krasnow
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (6), 734-743, 2017
Meeting now suggests we will meet again: Implications for debates on the evolution of cooperation
MM Krasnow, AW Delton, J Tooby, L Cosmides
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1747, 2013
Prosocial effects of MDMA: A measure of generosity
M Kirkpatrick, AW Delton, TE Robertson, H de Wit
Journal of Psychopharmacology 29 (6), 661-668, 2015
The social cognition of social foraging: Partner selection by underlying valuation
AW Delton, TE Robertson
Evolution and human behavior 33 (6), 715-725, 2012
On the perception of newcomers: Toward an evolved psychology of intergenerational coalitions
A Cimino, AW Delton
Human Nature 21, 186-202, 2010
The ecological rationality of helping others: Potential helpers integrate cues of recipients' need and willingness to sacrifice
D Sznycer, AW Delton, TE Robertson, L Cosmides, J Tooby
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (1), 34-45, 2019
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Articles 1–20