Ana I. Martinez-Garcia
Cited by
Cited by
Context-aware mobile communication in hospitals
A Miguel, I Ana, M Victor
IEEE Computer 36 (9), 38-46, 2003
A knowledge-based taxonomy of critical factors for adopting electronic health record systems by physicians: a systematic literature review
VH Castillo, AI Martínez-García, JRG Pulido
BMC medical informatics and decision making 10, 1-17, 2010
Using the FroggyBobby exergame to support eye-body coordination development of children with severe autism
K Caro, M Tentori, AI Martinez-Garcia, M Alvelais
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 105, 12-27, 2017
Activity recognition for context-aware hospital applications: issues and opportunities for the deployment of pervasive networks
J Favela, M Tentori, LA Castro, VM Gonzalez, EB Moran, ...
Mobile Networks and Applications 12, 155-171, 2007
Mobility in hospital work: towards a pervasive computing hospital environment
EB Moran, M Tentori, VM Gonzalez, J Favela, AI Martinez-Garcia
International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 3 (1), 72-89, 2007
FroggyBobby: An exergame to support children with motor problems practicing motor coordination exercises during therapeutic interventions
K Caro, M Tentori, AI Martinez-Garcia, I Zavala-Ibarra
Computers in Human Behavior, 479-478, 2017
A framework to analyze information systems as knowledge flow facilitators
OM Rodríguez-Elias, AI Martínez-García, A Vizcaíno, J Favela, M Piattini
Information and Software Technology 50 (6), 481-498, 2008
Hunting relics: A persuasive exergame to promote collective exercise in young children
FL Cibrian, M Tentori, AI Martínez-García
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 32 (3), 277-294, 2016
Adaptive exergames to support active aging: An action research study
A Velazquez, AI Martínez-García, J Favela, SF Ochoa
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 34, 60-78, 2017
Serious games for basic learning mechanisms: reinforcing Mexican children’s gross motor skills and attention
R Cornejo, F Martínez, VC Álvarez, C Barraza, FL Cibrian, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 25, 375-390, 2021
Design of a predictive scheduling system to improve assisted living services for elders
V Soto-Mendoza, JA García-Macías, E Chavez, AI Martínez-García, ...
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 6 (4), 1-31, 2015
Design of exergames with the collaborative participation of older adults
A Velazquez, AI Martinez-Garcia, J Favela, A Hernandez, SF Ochoa
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer …, 2013
Identifying knowledge flows in communities of practice
OM Rodríguez-Elias, AI Martínez-García, A Vizcaíno, J Favela, M Piattini
Encyclopedia of communities of practice in information and knowledge …, 2006
Estimating hospital work activities in context-aware healthcare applications
J Favela, M Tentori, LA Castro, VM Gonzalez, EB Moran, ...
2006 Pervasive Health Conference and Workshops, 1-10, 2006
A performance comparison between exergames designed for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and commercially-available exergames
K Caro, AI Martinez-Garcia, S Kurniawan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (45), 33623-33655, 2020
Modeling and analysis of knowledge flows in software processes through the extension of the software process engineering metamodel
OM Rodriguez-Elias, AI Martinez-Garcia, A Vizcaino, J Favela, M Piattini
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 19 …, 2009
From RADs to DESs: a mapping from process models to discrete event simulation
AI Martinez-Garcia, BC Warboys
Proceedings of the Software Process Simulation Modelling (ProSim) Workshop 98, 1998
Motivating adults with developmental disabilities to perform motor coordination exercises using exergames
K Caro, LM Morales-Villaverde, T Gotfrid, AI Martinez-Garcia, ...
Proceedings of the 4th EAI international conference on smart objects and …, 2018
Designing exergames combining the use of fine and gross motor exercises to support self-care activities
K Caro, AI Martínez-García, M Tentori, I Zavala-Ibarra
Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2014
Current state and trends of the research in exergames for the elderly and their impact on health outcomes: a scoping review
IH López-Nava, MD Rodriguez, JP García-Vázquez, AI Perez-Sanpablo, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (8), 10977-11009, 2023
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Articles 1–20