Dayna Touron
Dayna Touron
Assoc Dean of Arts & Sci and Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
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Distinguishing age differences in knowledge, strategy use, and confidence during strategic skill acquisition.
DR Touron, C Hertzog
Psychology and aging 19 (3), 452, 2004
Aging ebbs the flow of thought: Adult age differences in mind wandering, executive control, and self-evaluation
JC McVay, ME Meier, DR Touron, MJ Kane
Acta psychologica 142 (1), 136-147, 2013
Validating older adults’ reports of less mind-wandering: An examination of eye movements and dispositional influences.
DJ Frank, B Nara, M Zavagnin, DR Touron, MJ Kane
Psychology and Aging 30 (2), 266, 2015
Metacognitive influences on study time allocation in an associative recognition task: An analysis of adult age differences.
JC Hines, DR Touron, C Hertzog
Psychology and Aging 24 (2), 462, 2009
Strategy shift affordance and strategy choice in young and older adults
DR Touron, C Hertzog
Memory & Cognition 32 (2), 298-310, 2004
Age-related differences in mind-wandering in daily life.
D Maillet, RE Beaty, ML Jordano, DR Touron, A Adnan, PJ Silvia, ...
Psychology and aging 33 (4), 643, 2018
Moderation of older adults' retrieval reluctance through task instructions and monetary incentives
DR Touron, ET Swaim, C Hertzog
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2007
Judgments of learning are influenced by multiple cues in addition to memory for past test accuracy.
C Hertzog, JC Hines, DR Touron
Archives of scientific psychology 1 (1), 23, 2013
Memory avoidance by older adults: When “old dogs” won’t perform their “new tricks”
DR Touron
Current Directions in Psychological Science 24 (3), 170-176, 2015
Stereotype threat as a trigger of mind-wandering in older adults.
ML Jordano, DR Touron
Psychology and Aging 32 (3), 307, 2017
Mediator-based encoding strategies in source monitoring in young and older adults.
BG Kuhlmann, DR Touron
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (5), 1352, 2012
Age differences in strategic behavior during a computation-based skill acquisition task.
DR Touron, C Hertzog
Psychology and aging 24 (3), 574, 2009
Does a time-monitoring deficit influence older adults' delayed retrieval shift during skill acquisition?
C Hertzog, DR Touron, JC Hines
Psychology and Aging 22 (3), 607, 2007
Cognitive skill learning: age-related differences in strategy shifts and speed of component operations.
DR Touron, WJ Hoyer, J Cerella
Psychology and aging 19 (4), 565, 2004
Cognitive skill acquisition and transfer in younger and older adults.
DR Touron, WJ Hoyer, J Cerella
Psychology and Aging 16 (4), 555, 2001
Age differences in memory retrieval shift: Governed by feeling-of-knowing?
C Hertzog, DR Touron
Psychology and Aging 26 (3), 647, 2011
Performance predictions affect attentional processes of event-based prospective memory
J Rummel, BG Kuhlmann, DR Touron
Consciousness and cognition 22 (3), 729-741, 2013
Aging in context: Incorporating everyday experiences into the study of subjective age
ML Hughes, DR Touron
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 633234, 2021
How often are thoughts metacognitive? Findings from research on self-regulated learning, think-aloud protocols, and mind-wandering
ML Jordano, DR Touron
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25, 1269-1286, 2018
Older adults' use of metacognitive knowledge in source monitoring: Spared monitoring but impaired control.
BG Kuhlmann, DR Touron
Psychology and Aging 26 (1), 143, 2011
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Articles 1–20