Jan Edwards
Jan Edwards
Professor of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of MD
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The interaction between vocabulary size and phonotactic probability effects on children's production accuracy and fluency in nonword repetition
J Edwards, ME Beckman, B Munson
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2004
Articulatory evidence for differentiating stress categories
M Beckman
Papers in Laboratory Phonology III: Phonological Structure and Phonetic Form, 1994
Lengthenings and shortenings and the nature of prosodic constituency
ME Beckman, J Edwards
Papers in laboratory phonology I 179, 200, 1990
The articulatory kinematics of final lengthening
J Edwards, ME Beckman, J Fletcher
the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 89 (1), 369-382, 1991
Nonword repetitions of children with specific language impairment: Exploration of some explanations for their inaccuracies
J Edwards, M Lahey
Applied psycholinguistics 19 (2), 279-309, 1998
Relationships between nonword repetition accuracy and other measures of linguistic development in children with phonological disorders
B Munson, J Edwards, ME Beckman
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2005
The interplay between prosodic structure and coarticulation
K De Jong, ME Beckman, J Edwards
Language and speech 36 (2-3), 197-212, 1993
The impact of auditory spectral resolution on listening effort revealed by pupil dilation
MB Winn, JR Edwards, RY Litovsky
Ear and hearing 36 (4), e153-e165, 2015
Naming errors of children with specific language impairment
M Lahey, J Edwards
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 42 (1), 195-205, 1999
Contrast and covert contrast: The phonetic development of voiceless sibilant fricatives in English and Japanese toddlers
F Li, J Edwards, ME Beckman
Journal of phonetics 37 (1), 111-124, 2009
Why do children with specific language impairment name pictures more slowly than their peers?
M Lahey, J Edwards
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 39 (5), 1081-1098, 1996
The ontogeny of phonological categories and the primacy of lexical learning in linguistic development
ME Beckman, J Edwards
Child development 71 (1), 240-249, 2000
Final consonant discrimination in children
J Edwards, RA Fox, CL Rogers
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2002
Methodological questions in studying consonant acquisition
J Edwards, ME Beckman
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 22 (12), 937-956, 2008
Deconstructing phonetic transcription: Covert contrast, perceptual bias, and an extraterrestrial view of Vox Humana
B Munson, J Edwards, SK Schellinger, ME Beckman, MK Meyer
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 24 (4-5), 245-260, 2010
Phonological knowledge in typical and atypical speech–sound development
B Munson, J Edwards, ME Beckman
Topics in language disorders 25 (3), 190-206, 2005
Lexical frequency effects on young children’s imitative productions
ME Beckman, J Edwards
Papers in laboratory phonology V, 208-218, 2000
Some cross-linguistic evidence for modulation of implicational universals by language-specific frequency effects in phonological development
J Edwards, ME Beckman
Language learning and development 4 (2), 122-156, 2008
Auditory lexical decisions of children with specific language impairment
J Edwards, M Lahey
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 39 (6), 1263-1273, 1996
Articulatory timing and the prosodic interpretation of syllable duration
J Edwards, ME Beckman
Phonetica 45 (2-4), 156-174, 1988
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