Jia Wei
Cited by
Cited by
Functional echo state network for time series classification
Q Ma, L Shen, W Chen, J Wang, J Wei, Z Yu
Information Sciences 373, 1-20, 2016
End-to-end incomplete time-series modeling from linear memory of latent variables
Q Ma, S Li, L Shen, J Wang, J Wei, Z Yu, GW Cottrell
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (12), 4908-4920, 2019
Neighbourhood preserving based semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
J Wei, H Peng
Electronics Letters 44 (20), 1190-1192, 2008
韦佳, 彭宏
软件学报 19 (011), 2833-2842, 2008
Unified generative adversarial networks for multimodal segmentation from unpaired 3D medical images
W Yuan, J Wei, J Wang, Q Ma, T Tasdizen
Medical Image Analysis 64, 101731, 2020
TarGAN: target-aware generative adversarial networks for multi-modality medical image translation
J Chen, J Wei, R Li
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
Cognitive gravitation model for classification on small noisy data
G Wen, J Wei, J Wang, T Zhou, L Chen
Neurocomputing 118, 245-252, 2013
Enhanced locality preserving projections using robust path based similarity
G Yu, H Peng, J Wei, Q Ma
Neurocomputing 74 (4), 598-605, 2011
Unsupervised multi-modal medical image registration via discriminator-free image-to-image translation
Z Chen, J Wei, R Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13656, 2022
Attention-based spatio-temporal dependence learning network
Q Ma, S Tian, J Wei, J Wang, WWY Ng
Information Sciences 503, 92-108, 2019
Unified attentional generative adversarial network for brain tumor segmentation from multimodal unpaired images
W Yuan, J Wei, J Wang, Q Ma, T Tasdizen
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
Echo memory-augmented network for time series classification
Q Ma, Z Zheng, W Zhuang, E Chen, J Wei, J Wang
Neural Networks 133, 177-192, 2021
Adaptive neighborhood selection for manifold learning
J Wei, H Peng, YS Lin, ZM Huang, JB Wang
2008 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics 1, 380-384, 2008
Local and global preserving semisupervised dimensionality reduction based on random subspace for cancer classification
X Cai, J Wei, G Wen, Z Yu
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (2), 500-507, 2013
Enhanced supervised locality preserving projections for face recognition
XF Cai, GH Wen, J Wei, J Li
2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 4, 1762-1766, 2011
Inter-slice image augmentation based on frame interpolation for boosting medical image segmentation accuracy
Z Wu, J Wei, W Yuan, J Wang, T Tasdizen
ECAI 2020, 1954-1961, 2020
Relation classification via keyword-attentive sentence mechanism and synthetic stimulation loss
L Li, J Wang, J Li, Q Ma, J Wei
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 27 (9), 1392 …, 2019
Adaptive semi-supervised dimensionality reduction based on pairwise constraints weighting and graph optimizing
M Meng, J Wei, J Wang, Q Ma, X Wang
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 8, 793-805, 2017
Direct model of memory properties and the linear reservoir topologies in echo state networks
Q Ma, W Chen, J Wei, Z Yu
Applied Soft Computing 22, 622-628, 2014
SFusion: Self-attention based n-to-one multimodal fusion block
Z Liu, J Wei, R Li, J Zhou
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2023
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