Kyomin Jung
Kyomin Jung
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
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Prominent features of rumor propagation in online social media
S Kwon, M Cha, K Jung, W Chen, Y Wang
2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining, 1103-1108, 2013
Irie: Scalable and robust influence maximization in social networks
K Jung, W Heo, W Chen
2012 IEEE 12th international conference on data mining, 918-923, 2012
Multimodal speech emotion recognition using audio and text
S Yoon, S Byun, K Jung
2018 IEEE spoken language technology workshop (SLT), 112-118, 2018
Rumor detection over varying time windows
S Kwon, M Cha, K Jung
PloS one 12 (1), e0168344, 2017
Improving neural question generation using answer separation
Y Kim, H Lee, J Shin, K Jung
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 6602-6609, 2019
Scene text extraction with edge constraint and text collinearity
SH Lee, MS Cho, K Jung, JH Kim
2010 20th international conference on pattern recognition, 3983-3986, 2010
Speech emotion recognition using multi-hop attention mechanism
S Yoon, S Byun, S Dey, K Jung
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech and …, 2019
Transitive-closure spanners
A Bhattacharyya, E Grigorescu, K Jung, S Raskhodnikova, DP Woodruff
SIAM Journal on Computing 41 (6), 1380-1425, 2012
Effective sentence scoring method using bert for speech recognition
J Shin, Y Lee, K Jung
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 1081-1093, 2019
Comparative studies of detecting abusive language on twitter
Y Lee, S Yoon, K Jung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.10245, 2018
LinkSCAN*: Overlapping community detection using the link-space transformation
S Lim, S Ryu, S Kwon, K Jung, JG Lee
2014 IEEE 30th international conference on data engineering, 292-303, 2014
A compare-aggregate model with latent clustering for answer selection
S Yoon, F Dernoncourt, DS Kim, T Bui, K Jung
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on information and …, 2019
Coalitional structure generation in skill games
Y Bachrach, R Meir, K Jung, P Kohli
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 703-708, 2010
Detecting incongruity between news headline and body text via a deep hierarchical encoder
S Yoon, K Park, J Shin, H Lim, S Won, M Cha, K Jung
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 791-800, 2019
Aspects of rumor spreading on a microblog network
S Kwon, M Cha, K Jung, W Chen, Y Wang
Social Informatics: 5th International Conference, SocInfo 2013, Kyoto, Japan …, 2013
UMIC: An unreferenced metric for image captioning via contrastive learning
H Lee, S Yoon, F Dernoncourt, T Bui, K Jung
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14019, 2021
Attnconvnet at semeval-2018 task 1: Attention-based convolutional neural networks for multi-label emotion classification
Y Kim, H Lee, K Jung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00831, 2018
Low delay scheduling in wireless network
K Jung, D Shah
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1396-1400, 2007
Bidirectional variational inference for non-autoregressive text-to-speech
Y Lee, J Shin, K Jung
International conference on learning representations, 2020
Vilbertscore: Evaluating image caption using vision-and-language bert
H Lee, S Yoon, F Dernoncourt, DS Kim, T Bui, K Jung
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP …, 2020
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