Huajie Yang (阳华杰)
Huajie Yang (阳华杰)
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院金属研究所)
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Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Cu–Al alloys subjected to equal channel angular pressing
S Qu, XH An, HJ Yang, CX Huang, G Yang, QS Zang, ZG Wang, SD Wu, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (5), 1586-1601, 2009
Transition of twinning behavior in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy with grain refinement
SJ Sun, YZ Tian, HR Lin, HJ Yang, XG Dong, YH Wang, ZF Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 712, 603-607, 2018
Morphologies, orientation relationships and evolution of Cu6Sn5 grains formed between molten Sn and Cu single crystals
HF Zou, HJ Yang, ZF Zhang
Acta Materialia 56 (11), 2649-2662, 2008
Cyclic deformation behavior of as-extruded Mg-3% Al-1% Zn
SM Yin, HJ Yang, SX Li, SD Wu, F Yang
Scripta Materialia 58 (9), 751-754, 2008
Self-healing performance of Ti2AlC ceramic
HJ Yang, YT Pei, JC Rao, JTM De Hosson
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012
Laser powder bed fusion of 17–4 PH stainless steel: A comparative study on the effect of heat treatment on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties
S Sabooni, A Chabok, SC Feng, H Blaauw, TC Pijper, HJ Yang, YT Pei
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102176, 2021
High temperature healing of Ti2AlC: On the origin of inhomogeneous oxide scale
HJ Yang, YT Pei, JC Rao, JTM De Hosson, SB Li, GM Song
Scripta Materialia, 2011
Achieving high ductility in the 1.7 GPa grade CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy at 77 K
SJ Sun, YZ Tian, HR Lin, HJ Yang, XG Dong, YH Wang, ZF Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 740, 336-341, 2019
Nano-scale precipitates: The key to high strength and high conductivity in Al alloy wire
JP Hou, Q Wang, ZJ Zhang, YZ Tian, XM Wu, HJ Yang, XW Li, ZF Zhang
Materials & Design 132, 148-157, 2017
Heterogeneous microstructure and voids dependence of tensile deformation in a selective laser melted AlSi10Mg alloy
DD Ben, YR Ma, HJ Yang, LX Meng, XH Shao, HQ Liu, SG Wang, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 798, 140109, 2020
Oxide-scale growth on Cr2AlC ceramic and its consequence for self-healing
HJ Yang, YT Pei, JTM De Hosson
Scripta Materialia 69 (2), 203-206, 2013
Microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms of cold-drawn commercially pure aluminum wire
JP Hou, Q Wang, HJ Yang, XM Wu, CH Li, XW Li, ZF Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 639, 103-106, 2015
Modulating the prestrain history to optimize strength and ductility in CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy
SJ Sun, YZ Tian, HR Lin, S Lu, HJ Yang, ZF Zhang
Scripta Materialia 163, 111-115, 2019
EBSD Study on Deformation Twinning in AZ31 Magnesium Alloy During Quasi‐in‐Situ Compression
HJ Yang, SM Yin, CX Huang, ZF Zhang, SD Wu, SX Li, YD Liu
Advanced Engineering Materials 10 (10), 955-960, 2008
Recovery of tensile properties of twinning-induced plasticity steel via electropulsing induced void healing
CL Yang, HJ Yang, ZJ Zhang, ZF Zhang
Scripta Materialia 147, 88-92, 2018
TEM study of the initial oxide scales of Ti2AlC
JC Rao, YT Pei, HJ Yang, GM Song, SB Li, JTM De Hosson
Acta Materialia 59, 5216-5223, 2011
Optimizing the fatigue strength of 18Ni maraging steel through ageing treatment
B Wang, P Zhang, QQ Duan, ZJ Zhang, HJ Yang, XW Li, ZF Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 707, 674-688, 2017
High-cycle fatigue properties and damage mechanisms of pre-strained Fe-30Mn-0.9 C twinning-induced plasticity steel
B Wang, P Zhang, QQ Duan, ZJ Zhang, HJ Yang, JC Pang, YZ Tian, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 679, 258-271, 2017
Dynamic tension and constitutive model in Fe40Mn20Cr20Ni20 high-entropy alloys with a heterogeneous structure
YZ Wang, ZM Jiao, GB Bian, HJ Yang, HW He, ZH Wang, PK Liaw, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 839, 142837, 2022
Dynamic recrystallization in the shear bands of Fe–Cr–Ni monocrystal: Electron backscatter diffraction characterization
Y Xu, HJ Yang, MA Meyers
Scripta materialia 58 (8), 691-694, 2008
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