The development of the copula in child English: The lightness of be M Becker Annual review of language acquisition 2 (1), 37-58, 2002 | 162 | 2002 |
There began to be a learnability puzzle M Becker Linguistic Inquiry 37 (3), 441-456, 2006 | 106 | 2006 |
The acquisition of syntactic structure: Animacy and thematic alignment M Becker Cambridge University Press, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Why do my thoughts feel so bad? Getting at the reciprocal effects of rumination and negative affect using dynamic structural equation modeling. ES Blanke, AB Neubauer, M Houben, Y Erbas, A Brose Emotion 22 (8), 1773, 2022 | 76 | 2022 |
The underspecification of number and the licensing of root infinitives T Hoekstra, N Hyams, M Becker Proceedings of the 21st annual Boston University conference on language …, 1997 | 72 | 1997 |
The some indefinites M Becker Syntax at Sunset 2 (3), 1999 | 69 | 1999 |
How do children learn novel emotion words? A study of emotion concept acquisition in preschoolers. H Shablack, M Becker, KA Lindquist Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149 (8), 1537, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Learning verbs without arguments: The problem of raising verbs M Becker Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 34 (2), 173-199, 2005 | 53 | 2005 |
Copula omission is a grammatical reflex M Becker Language Acquisition 12 (2), 157-167, 2004 | 53 | 2004 |
Is isn't be M Becker Lingua 114 (4), 399-418, 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
The role of NP animacy and expletives in verb learning M Becker Language Acquisition 16 (4), 283-296, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
The role of the specifier and finiteness in early grammar T Hoekstra, N Hyams, M Becker Specifiers: minimalist approaches, 251-270, 1999 | 39 | 1999 |
Animacy and the Acquisition of Tough Adjectives M Becker Language Acquisition 22 (1), 68-103, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Animacy, expletives, and the learning of the raising-control distinction M Becker Generative approaches to language acquisition North America 2, 12-20, 2007 | 32 | 2007 |
Raising, control and the subset principle M Becker Proceedings of the 24th West Coast conference on formal linguistics 24, 52, 2005 | 30 | 2005 |
Modal Reference in Children's Root In-finitives M Becker, N Hyams | 29 | 2000 |
Recent advances in transition-metal-free aryl C–B bond formation K Chen, L Wang, G Meng, P Li Synthesis 49 (21), 4719-4730, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
The acquisition of the English copula M Becker WCCFL 19 Proceedings, Cascadilla Press: Somerville, Mass, 2000 | 25 | 2000 |
Tough-adjectives are easy to learn M Becker, B Estigarribia, D Gylfadottir Supplemental Proceedings of BUCLD 36, 1-12, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Computational models of learning the raising-control distinction WG Mitchener, M Becker Research on Language and Computation 8, 169-207, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |