Shivani Gaba
Shivani Gaba
Assistant Professor,CSE, PIET, Panipat, Haryana & Research Scholar, Bennett University, Noida, India
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Cited by
A federated calibration scheme for convolutional neural networks: Models, applications and challenges
S Gaba, I Budhiraja, V Kumar, S Garg, G Kaddoum, MM Hassan
Computer Communications 192, 144-162, 2022
Machine learning for detecting security attacks on blockchain using software defined networking
S Gaba, I Budhiraja, A Makkar, D Garg
2022 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC …, 2022
Privacy and security issues in vehicular Ad Hoc networks with preventive mechanisms
S Nagpal, A Aggarwal, S Gaba
Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Cyber-Physical …, 2022
Etma: Efficient transformer-based multilevel attention framework for multimodal fake news detection
A Yadav, S Gaba, H Khan, I Budhiraja, A Singh, KK Singh
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023
A Genetic Improved Quantum Cryptography Model to Optimize Network Communication
DK Shivani Gaba, Shifali Singla
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
A forecast of coronary heart disease using proficient machine learning algorithms
S Gaba, A Aggarwal, S Nagpal, D Kumar, P Singh
2021 sixth international conference on image information processing (ICIIP …, 2021
A comparative investigation of consensus algorithms in collaboration with IoT and blockchain
A Aggarwal, S Gaba, M Mittal
Transforming cybersecurity solutions using blockchain, 115-140, 2021
Holochain: An agent-centric distributed hash table security in smart iot applications
S Gaba, H Khan, KJ Almalki, A Jabbari, I Budhiraja, V Kumar, A Singh, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
A systematic analysis of deep learning methods and potential attacks in internet-of-things surfaces
A Barnawi, S Gaba, A Alphy, A Jabbari, I Budhiraja, V Kumar, N Kumar
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (25), 18293-18308, 2023
Role of machine learning for ad hoc networks
S Gaba, A Aggarwal, S Nagpal
Cloud and IoT‐Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 269-291, 2021
A deep analysis on the role of deep learning models using generative adversarial networks
A Aggarwal, S Gaba, S Nagpal, A Arya
Blockchain and Deep Learning: Future Trends and Enabling Technologies, 179-197, 2022
Character Recognition using Approaches of Artificial Neural Network: A Review.
A Aggarwal, S Gaba, P Singh, S Chawla
ITTAP, 186-193, 2022
A systematic analysis of enhancing cyber security using deep learning for cyber physical systems
S Gaba, I Budhiraja, V Kumar, S Martha, J Khurmi, A Singh, KK Singh, ...
IEEE Access, 2024
Bio‐Inspired Routing in VANET
A Aggarwal, S Gaba, S Nagpal, B Vig
Cloud and IoT‐Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 199-220, 2021
Performance evaluation of genetic algorithm and flower pollination algorithm for scheduling tasks in cloud computing
P Singh, G Bathla, D Panwar, A Aggarwal, S Gaba
International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, 139-154, 2022
A comparative study: Reviewing performance of routing protocols in mobile ad-hoc network
D Aggarwal, S Gaba
vol 4 (8), 528-532, 2018
Advancements in enhancing cyber-physical system security: Practical deep learning solutions for network traffic classification and integration with security technologies
S Gaba, I Budhiraja, V Kumar, A Makkar
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 21 (1), 1527-1553, 2024
Federated learning based secured computational offloading in cyber-physical IoST systems
S Gaba, I Buddhiraja, V Kumar, A Makkar
International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern …, 2022
An analysis of internet of things (iot) malwares and detection based on static and dynamic techniques
S Gaba, S Nagpal, A Aggarwal, R Kumar, S Kumar
2022 Seventh International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2022
Recognition of alphanumeric patterns using backpropagation algorithm for design and implementation with ANN
A Aggarwal, S Gaba, S Chawla, A Arya
International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (IJSPPC …, 2022
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Articles 1–20