Alessandro Benedetto
Alessandro Benedetto
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Perceptual history propagates down to early levels of sensory analysis
GM Cicchini, A Benedetto, DC Burr
Current Biology 31 (6), 1245-1250. e2, 2020
Saccadic suppression is embedded within extended oscillatory modulation of sensitivity
A Benedetto, MC Morrone
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (13), 3661-3670, 2017
Rhythmic modulation of visual contrast discrimination triggered by action
A Benedetto, D Spinelli, MC Morrone
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1831), 20160692, 2016
The common rhythm of action and perception
A Benedetto, MC Morrone, A Tomassini
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 32 (2), 187-200, 2020
Visual sensitivity and bias oscillate phase-locked to saccadic eye movements
A Benedetto, MC Morrone
Journal of Vision 19 (14), 2019
Predictive visuo-motor communication through neural oscillations
A Benedetto, P Binda, M Costagli, M Tosetti, MC Morrone
Current Biology 31 (15), 3401-3408. e4, 2021
Perceptual oscillation of audiovisual time simultaneity
A Benedetto, DC Burr, MC Morrone
eneuro 5 (3), 2018
Evidence of serial dependence from decoding of visual evoked potentials
G Ranieri, A Benedetto, HT Ho, DC Burr, MC Morrone
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (47), 8817-8825, 2022
Different responses of spontaneous and stimulus‐related alpha activity to ambient luminance changes
A Benedetto, D Lozano‐Soldevilla, R VanRullen
European Journal of Neuroscience 48 (7), 2599-2608, 2018
MEYE: Web-app for translational and real-time pupillometry
RM Mazziotti, F Carrara, A Viglione, L Lupori, LL Verde, A Benedetto, ...
eNeuro, 2021
Dissociable saccadic suppression of pupillary and perceptual responses to light
A Benedetto, P Binda
Journal of neurophysiology 115 (3), 1243-1251, 2016
Visual priming and serial dependence are mediated by separate mechanisms
F Galluzzi, A Benedetto, GM Cicchini, DC Burr
Journal of Vision 22 (10), 1-1, 2022
Expanding the Spectrum of Oculocutaneous Albinism: Does Isolated Foveal Hypoplasia Really Exist?
C Rocca, L Tiberi, S Bargiacchi, V Palazzo, S Landini, E Marziali, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022
Tapping force encodes metrical aspects of rhythm
A Benedetto, G Baud-Bovy
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 633956, 2021
The readiness potential correlates with action-linked modulation of visual accuracy
A Benedetto, HT Ho, MC Morrone
Eneuro 9 (6), 2022
Prolonged and short epileptiform discharges have an opposite relationship with the sleep–wake cycle in patients with JME: Implications for EEG recording protocols
F Turco, FS Giorgi, M Maestri, R Morganti, A Benedetto, C Milano, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 122, 108226, 2021
Active vision: How you look reflects what you are looking for
A Benedetto, I Kagan
Current Biology 33 (8), R303-R305, 2023
All eyes on attention
A Benedetto, M Poletti
ELife 11, e77544, 2022
The role of motor effort on the sensorimotor number system
A Benedetto, E Chelli, I Petrizzo, R Arrighi, G Anobile
Psychological Research, 1-12, 2024
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