Andrew J. Milne
Andrew J. Milne
Associate Professor of Music Cognition & Computation, Western Sydney University
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Spectral tools for Dynamic Tonality and audio morphing
WA Sethares, AJ Milne, S Tiedje, A Prechtl, J Plamondon
Computer Music Journal 33 (2), 71–84, 2009
Isomorphic controllers and Dynamic Tuning: Invariant fingering over a tuning continuum
AJ Milne, WA Sethares, J Plamondon
Computer Music Journal 31 (4), 15-32, 2008
The perceptual relevance of balance, evenness, and entropy in musical rhythms
A Milne, SA Herff
Cognition 203, 104233, 2020
Perception of affect in unfamiliar musical chords
EA Smit, AJ Milne, RT Dean, G Weidemann
PLOS One 14 (6), e0218570, 2019
Cognitive, motor and social factors of music instrument training programs for older adults’ improved wellbeing
J MacRitchie, M Breaden, AJ Milne, S McIntyre
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2868, 2020
Empirically testing Tonnetz, voice-leading, and spectral models of perceived triadic distance
AJ Milne, S Holland
Journal of Mathematics and Music 10 (1), 59-85, 2016
A spectral pitch class model of the probe tone data and scalic tonality
AJ Milne, R Laney, DB Sharp
Music Perception 32 (4), 364–393, 2015
Tuning continua and keyboard layouts
AJ Milne, WA Sethares, J Plamondon
Journal of Mathematics and Music 2 (1), 1–19, 2008
Emotional responses in Papua New Guinea show negligible evidence for a universal effect of major versus minor music
EA Smit, AJ Milne, H Sarvasy, R Dean
PLOS One 17 (6), e0269597, 2022
Testing a spectral model of tonal affinity with microtonal melodies and inharmonic spectra
AJ Milne, R Laney, DB Sharp
Musicae Scientiae, 2016
Exploring the space of perfectly balanced rhythms and scales
AJ Milne, D Bulger, SA Herff
Journal of Mathematics and Music 11 (2–3), 101–133, 2017
Perfect balance: A novel principle for the construction of musical scales and meters
AJ Milne, D Bulger, SA Herff, WA Sethares
Mathematics and Computation in Music 9110, 97-108, 2015
Modelling the similarity of pitch collections with expectation tensors
AJ Milne, WA Sethares, R Laney, DB Sharp
Journal of Mathematics and Music 5 (1), 1–20, 2011
A computational model of the cognition of tonality
A Milne
PQDT-Global, 2013
Teaching mathematics with music: A pilot study
TJ Hamilton, J Doai, AJ Milne, A Saisanas, Vicky, Calilhanna, C Hilton, ...
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and …, 2018
Perceived emotions of harmonic cadences
EA Smit, FA Dobrowohl, NK Schaal, AJ Milne, SA Herff
Music & Science 3, 2059204320938635, 2020
Prefrontal high-gamma in ECoG tags periodicity of musical rhythms in perception and imagination
SA Herff, C Herff, AJ Milne, GD Johnson, DJ Krusienski
eNeuro, ENEURO.0413-19.2020, 2020
XronoMorph: Algorithmic generation of perfectly balanced and well-formed rhythms
AJ Milne, SA Herff, D Bulger, WA Sethares, RT Dean
Proc. of the 2016 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2016
Computational creation and morphing of multilevel rhythms by control of evenness
AJ Milne, RT Dean
Computer Music Journal 40 (1), 35–53, 2016
A MIDI sequencer that widens access to the compositional possibilities of novel tunings
A Prechtl, AJ Milne, S Holland, R Laney, DB Sharp
Computer Music Journal 36 (1), 42–54, 2012
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Articles 1–20