María Jesús Segovia-Vargas
María Jesús Segovia-Vargas
Financial Mathematics Associate Professor. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
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Cited by
Explainability of a machine learning granting scoring model in peer-to-peer lending
MJ Ariza-Garzón, J Arroyo, A Caparrini, MJ Segovia-Vargas
Ieee Access 8, 64873-64890, 2020
Genetic programming for the prediction of insolvency in non-life insurance companies
S Salcedo-Sanz, JL Fernández-Villacañas, MJ Segovia-Vargas, ...
Computers & Operations Research 32 (4), 749-765, 2005
Rough Sets and the role of the monetary policy in financial stability (macroeconomic problem) and the prediction of insolvency in insurance sector (microeconomic problem)
A Sanchis, MJ Segovia, JA Gil, A Heras, JL Vilar
European Journal of Operational Research 181 (3), 1554-1573, 2007
Money laundering and terrorism financing detection using neural networks and an abnormality indicator
MJ Segovia-Vargas
Expert Systems with Applications 169, 114470, 2021
Which characteristics predict the survival of insolvent firms? An SME reorganization prediction model
MM Camacho‐Miñano, MJ Segovia‐Vargas, D Pascual‐Ezama
Journal of Small Business Management 53 (2), 340-354, 2015
Explaining the causes of business failure using audit report disclosures
N Muñoz-Izquierdo, MJ Segovia-Vargas, D Pascual-Ezama
Journal of Business Research 98, 403-414, 2019
Is the external audit report useful for bankruptcy prediction? Evidence using artificial intelligence
N Muñoz-Izquierdo, MM Camacho-Miñano, MJ Segovia-Vargas, ...
International Journal of Financial Studies 7 (2), 20, 2019
Hybridizing logistic regression with product unit and RBF networks for accurate detection and prediction of banking crises
PA Gutiérrez, MJ Segovia-Vargas, S Salcedo-Sanz, C Hervás-Martínez, ...
Omega 38 (5), 333-344, 2010
Machine learning and statistical techniques. An application to the prediction of insolvency in Spanish non-life insurance companies
Z Díaz, MJ Segovia, J Fernández, E del Pozo
The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research 5 (9), 1-45, 2005
Evaluating the internationalization success of companies through a hybrid grouping harmony search—extreme learning machine approach
I Landa-Torres, EG Ortiz-Garcia, S Salcedo-Sanz, MJ Segovia-Vargas, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (4), 388-398, 2012
Feature selection methods involving support vector machines for prediction of insolvency in non‐life insurance companies
S Salcedo‐Sanz, M DePrado‐Cumplido, MJ Segovia‐Vargas, ...
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management: International …, 2004
Análisis económico-financiero de los centros especiales de empleo de España
V Gelashvili
Risk-return modelling in the p2p lending market: Trends, gaps, recommendations and future directions
MJ Ariza-Garzón, MJ Segovia-Vargas, J Arroyo
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 49, 101079, 2021
Interconnecting exporter types with export growth and decline patterns: Evidence from matched mature Estonian and Spanish firms
T Vissak, O Lukason, MJ Segovia-Vargas
Review of International Business and Strategy 28 (1), 61-76, 2018
Risk factor selection in automobile insurance policies: a way to improve the bottom line of insurance companies
MJ Segovia-Vargas, MM Camacho-Miñano, D Pascual-Ezama
Revista brasileira de gestão de negócios 17, 1228-1245, 2015
Prediction of insolvency in non-life insurance companies using support vector machines, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing
MJ Segovia-Vargas, S Salcedo-Sanz, C Bousono-Calzon
Fuzzy Economic Review 9 (1), 79-94, 2004
A study of the economic and financial analysis for social firms: are they really businesses? Un estudio sobre el análisis económico-financiero de las empresas sociales:¿ son …
V Gelashvili, M del Mar Camacho-Miñano, MJ Segovia-Vargas
Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 23 (2), 139-147, 2020
Patrones de supervivencia para la gestión de los centros especiales de empleo
V Gelashvili, MJS Vargas, MMC Miñano
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época, 2015
Sistemas de inducción de reglas y árboles de decisión aplicados a la predicción de insolvencias en empresas aseguradoras
Z Díaz Martínez, J Fernández Menéndez, MJ Segovia Vargas
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Decanato, 2004
Análisis del riesgo de caída de cartera en seguros: Metodologías de “inteligencia artificial” vs “modelos lineales generalizados”
MLG Cordero, MJ Segovia-Vargas, MR Escamilla
Economía Informa 407, 56-86, 2017
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Articles 1–20