Chunyu Yang
Chunyu Yang
Professor of School of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
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Cited by
Multiobjective control for T–S fuzzy singularly perturbed systems
C Yang, Q Zhang
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 17 (1), 104-115, 2008
Finite-time stability of delayed memristor-based fractional-order neural networks
C Chen, S Zhu, Y Wei
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (4), 1607-1616, 2018
Synchronization of memristive complex-valued neural networks with time delays via pinning control method
S Zhu, D Liu, C Yang, J Fu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (8), 3806-3815, 2019
Stabilization bound of singularly perturbed systems subject to actuator saturation
C Yang, J Sun, X Ma
Automatica 49 (2), 457-462, 2013
Stabilization of singular Markovian jump systems with time-varying switchings
G Wang, Q Zhang, C Yang
Information Sciences 297, 254-270, 2015
Modeling and monitoring of dynamic processes
Y Zhang, T Chai, Z Li, C Yang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 23 (2), 277-284, 2011
Neural-network-based contouring control for robotic manipulators in operational space
L Wang, T Chai, C Yang
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 20 (4), 1073-1080, 2011
Lyapunov stability and strong passivity analysis for nonlinear descriptor systems
C Yang, J Sun, Q Zhang, X Ma
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (4), 1003-1012, 2012
Stability analysis and design for nonlinear singular systems
C Yang, Q Zhang, L Zhou
Springer, 2012
Lur'e Lyapunov function and absolute stability criterion for Lur'e singularly perturbed systems
C Yang, Q Zhang, J Sun, T Chai
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (11), 2666-2671, 2011
Disturbance observer-based integral sliding mode control for singularly perturbed systems with mismatched disturbances
L Zhou, Z Che, C Yang
IEEE Access 6, 9854-9861, 2018
Delay-dependent robust stability for Hopfield neural networks of neutral-type
J Zhu, Q Zhang, C Yang
Neurocomputing 72 (10-12), 2609-2617, 2009
A novel robust nonlinear Kalman filter based on multivariate Laplace distribution
G Wang, C Yang, X Ma
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (7), 2705-2709, 2021
Exponential H∞ filtering for singular systems with Markovian jump parameters
G Wang, Q Zhang, C Yang
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 23 (7), 792-806, 2013
Positive realness and absolute stability problem of descriptor systems
C Yang, Q Zhang, Y Lin, L Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 54 (5), 1142-1149, 2007
An adaptive-gain sliding mode observer for sensorless control of permanent magnet linear synchronous motors
C Yang, T Ma, Z Che, L Zhou
IEEE Access 6, 3469-3478, 2017
Reinforcement learning and optimal control of PMSM speed servo system
J Zhao, C Yang, W Gao, L Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (8), 8305-8313, 2022
Robust finite-time stability and stabilization of uncertain Markovian jump systems with time-varying delay
G Wang, Z Li, Q Zhang, C Yang
Applied Mathematics and Computation 293, 377-393, 2017
Dissipative control for singular Markovian jump systems with time delay
G Wang, Q Zhang, C Yang
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 33 (4), 415-432, 2012
Passivity-Based Integral Sliding Mode Control and - Bound Estimation for Uncertain Singularly Perturbed Systems With Disturbances
C Yang, Z Che, J Fu, L Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (3), 452-456, 2018
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Articles 1–20