Anne Sjoerd Brouwer
Cited by
Cited by
Energy use, cost and CO 2 emissions of electric cars
O Van Vliet, AS Brouwer, T Kuramochi, M van Den Broek, A Faaij
Journal of Power Sources 196 (4), 2298-2310, 2011
Impacts of large-scale Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources on electricity systems, and how these can be modeled
AS Brouwer, M van den Broek, A Seebregts, A Faaij
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 33, 443-466, 2014
Operational flexibility and economics of power plants in future low-carbon power systems
AS Brouwer, M van den Broek, A Seebregts, A Faaij
Applied Energy 156, 107-128, 2015
Least-cost options for integrating intermittent renewables in low-carbon power systems
AS Brouwer, M van den Broek, W Zappa, WC Turkenburg, A Faaij
Applied Energy 161, 48-74, 2016
Fulfilling the electricity demand of electric vehicles in the long term future: An evaluation of centralized and decentralized power supply systems
AS Brouwer, T Kuramochi, M van den Broek, A Faaij
Applied Energy 107, 33-51, 2013
Benefits of coal-fired power generation with flexible CCS in a future northwest European power system with large scale wind power
PC van der Wijk, AS Brouwer, M van den Broek, T Slot, G Stienstra, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 28, 216-233, 2014
Business case uncertainty of power plants in future energy systems with wind power
AS Brouwer, M van den Broek, Ö Özdemir, P Koutstaal, A Faaij
Energy Policy 89, 237-256, 2016
Communicating CCS: Effects of Text-only and Text-and-visual Depictions of CO 2 Storage on Risk Perceptions and Attitudes
S Brunsting, M de Best-Waldhober, AS Brouwer, H Riesch, D Reiner
Energy Procedia 37, 7318-7326, 2013
The flexibility requirements for power plants with CCS in a future energy system with a large share of intermittent renewable energy sources
AS Brouwer, M Van Den Broek, A Seebregts, APC Faaij
GHGT-11 37, 2657-2664, 2013
Capturing low-carbon power system dynamics: Interactions between intermittent renewables and power plants with CO2 capture and storage
AS Brouwer
Utrecht University, 2015
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Articles 1–10