Javier Torres-Vallejos
Javier Torres-Vallejos
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The role of self-control and grit in domains of school success in students of primary and secondary school
X Oriol, R Miranda, JC Oyanedel, J Torres
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1716, 2017
Violent relationships at the social-ecological level: A multi-mediation model to predict adolescent victimization by peers, bullying and depression in early and late adolescence
X Oriol, R Miranda, A Amutio, HC Acosta, MC Mendoza, J Torres-Vallejos
PLoS one 12 (3), e0174139, 2017
Comparing family, friends and satisfaction with school experience as predictors of SWB in children who have and have not made the transition to middle school in different countries
X Oriol, J Torres, R Miranda, M Bilbao, H Ortúzar
Children and Youth Services Review 80, 149-156, 2017
Construction and validation of a classroom climate scale: A mixed methods approach
V López, J Torres-Vallejos, P Ascorra, B Villalobos-Parada, M Bilbao, ...
Learning Environments Research 21, 407-422, 2018
School achievement and performance in Chilean high schools: the mediating role of subjective wellbeing in school-related evaluations
V López, JC Oyanedel, M Bilbao, J Torres, D Oyarzún, M Morales, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1189, 2017
¿ Qué afecta el bienestar subjetivo y la calidad de vida de las niñas y niños chilenos? Resultados de la Encuesta Internacional sobre Bienestar Subjetivo Infantil
JC Oyanedel, J Alfaro, J Varela, J Torres
Santiago, Chile: LOM, 2014
Towards a model of psychological well-being* the role of socioeconomic status and satisfaction with income in Chile
P Vera-Villarroel, K Celis-Atenas, S Lillo, D Contreras, N Díaz-Pardo, ...
Universitas Psychologica 14 (3), 1055-1066, 2015
Prevalence and variables associated with depression, anxiety, and stress among Chilean higher education students, post-pandemic
J Martínez-Líbano, J Torres-Vallejos, JC Oyanedel, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1139946, 2023
Caracterización de los auditores de sistemas de gestión pertenecientes a empresas certificadoras en Chile
JV Tejos, JT Vallejos
Signos: Investigación en sistemas de gestión 10 (2), 55-69, 2018
School and community factors involved in Chilean students’ perception of school safety
V López, J Torres‐Vallejos, B Villalobos‐Parada, TD Gilreath, P Ascorra, ...
Psychology in the Schools 54 (9), 991-1003, 2017
La percepción de apego con la escuela como un factor protector para conductas antisociales en escolares chilenos
JJ Varela, J Torres-Vallejos, C González, O García
Psykhe (Santiago) 29 (2), 1-12, 2020
Contributions of individual, family, and school characteristics to Chilean students’ social well-being at school
V López, J Torres-Vallejos, P Ascorra, L González, S Ortiz, M Bilbao
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 620895, 2021
Socialización e interés en la política en jóvenes de Chile
S Vargas-Salfate, J Carlos Oyanedel, J Torres-Vallejos
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud 13 (2), 781-794, 2015
Niveles de progresión de gestión de la convivencia escolar a nivel intermedio en Chile.
P Ascorra, K Cárdenas, J Torres-Vallejos
Revista internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social 10 (1), 2021
Efectos del apoyo familiar, amigos y de escuela sobre el bullying y bienestar subjetivo en estudiantes de nivel secundario de Chile y Brasil
RM Ayala, J Oyanedel, J Torres
Apuntes de Ciencia & Sociedad 8 (1), 2018
Propiedades psicométricas de la escala índice de bienestar personal (PWI–SC) en adolescentes chilenos
MÁB Ramírez, JT Vallejos, PA Costa, VL Leiva, DP Rovira, JC Oyanedel, ...
Salud & Sociedad 7 (2), 168-178, 2016
Religiosity, psychosocial factors, and well-being: An examination among a national sample of Chileans.
D Páez, G Martínez-Zelaya, M Bilbao, FE García, J Torres-Vallejos, ...
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 10 (2), 138, 2018
The subjective well-being of chilean children living in conditions of high social vulnerability
L Ditzel, F Casas, J Torres-Vallejos, A Villarroel
Applied Research in Quality of Life 17 (3), 1639-1660, 2022
Perceived collective school efficacy mediates the organizational justice effect in teachers’ subjective well-being
C Herrera, J Torres-Vallejos, J Martínez-Líbano, A Rubio, C Céspedes, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (17), 10963, 2022
Sujeto/a trabajador/a en la política pública de intervención psicosocial de infancia en Chile: un análisis crítico del discurso
J Pavez, CC Aguilar, MT Peña, MB Ramírez, XO Granado, H Ortúzar, ...
Revista de estudios cotidianos 4 (1), 23-45, 2016
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Artículos 1–20