Loreto Villagrán Valenzuela
Loreto Villagrán Valenzuela
Depto. Psicología, Fac. Cs. Sociales, Universidad de Concepción
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Communal coping and posttraumatic growth in a context of natural disasters in Spain, Chile, and Colombia
A Wlodarczyk, N Basabe, D Páez, C Reyes, L Villagrán, C Madariaga, ...
Cross-Cultural Research 50 (4), 325-355, 2016
Positive effects of communal coping in the aftermath of a collective trauma: The case of the 2010 Chilean earthquake
A Wlodarczyk, N Basabe, D Páez, A Amutio, FE García, C Reyes, ...
European Journal of Education and Psychology 9 (1), 9-19, 2016
Individual and collective posttraumatic growth in victims of natural disasters: A multidimensional perspective
A Wlodarczyk, N Basabe, D Páez, L Villagrán, C Reyes
Journal of loss and trauma 22 (5), 371-384, 2017
Afrontamiento comunal, crecimiento postraumático colectivo y bienestar social en el contexto del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010 en Chile
L Villagrán, C Reyes, A Wlodarczyk, D Páez
Terapia psicológica 32 (3), 243-254, 2014
Social inequality and mental health in Chile, Ecuador, and Colombia
Y Quijada, L Villagrán, P Vaccari Jiménez, C Reyes, LD Gallardo
Latin American Perspectives 46 (6), 92-108, 2019
Collective effervescence, self-transcendence, and gender differences in social well-being during 8 March demonstrations
LN Zumeta, P Castro-Abril, L Méndez, JJ Pizarro, A Włodarczyk, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 607538, 2020
Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia
JJ Pizarro, H Cakal, L Méndez, S Da Costa, LN Zumeta, M Gracia Leiva, ...
University Institute of Lisbon, 2020
Trauma psicosocial: naturaleza, dimensiones y medición
L Villagrán
Trauma psicosocial: naturaleza, dimensiones y medición, 2016
Estructura factorial del Cuestionario Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff en una muestra de universitarios ecuatorianos
R Moreta-Herrera, C Reyes-Valenzuela, L Villagrán, I Gaibor-González, ...
Revista de psicología (Santiago) 30 (1), 32-43, 2021
Adaptive reflection on negative emotional experiences: Convergences and divergence between the processing-mode theory and the theory of self-distancing reflection
F Cova, F Garcia, C Oyanadel, L Villagran, D Páez, C Inostroza
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1943, 2019
A proposal for evaluating psychosocial trauma
L Villagran, AB Abarca, JO Díaz, MB Ramírez
Psicothema 33 (4), 631-638, 2021
Mental disorders in the media: A retrospective study of newspaper coverage in the Chilean Press
P Grandón, D Fernandez Vega, AA Sanchez Onate, AV Vielma Aguilera, ...
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 68 (7), 1351-1362, 2022
Bienestar psicologico
L Villagrán
Revista Electrónica Psicología y Vida 14, 2-5, 2009
Social defeat: Concept and measurement in a Hispanic population
Y Quijada, L Villagrán
Salud mental 44 (1), 11-16, 2021
Sense of ethnic belonging: relation with well-being and psychological distress in inhabitants of the Mapuche conflict area, Chile
FE García, L Villagrán, MC Ahumada, N Inzunza, K Schuffeneger, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 617465, 2021
Acciones de participación social, identidad y emociones de estudiantes chilenos de una universidad privada
L Villagrán, CR Valenzuela, A Wlodarczyk
Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 18 (53), 9, 2019
Perspectivas acerca del crecimiento postraumático
AW Felipe García1, Loreto Villagrán2, F Cova
La Felicidad de los Chilenos., 2015
Percepción de los niños preescolares con respecto a los dibujos animados
L Domínguez Águila, N Schade Yankovic
Revista investigaciones en educación 7 (1), 65-88, 2007
Evaluación del Crecimiento Postraumático Colectivo en víctimas de catástrofes humanitarias
D Páez, C Reyes, L Villagrán
Manuscrito. Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del País Vasco, 2012
& Cavalli, S.(2020). Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia
JJ Pizarro, H Cakal, L Méndez, S Da Costa, LN Zumeta, M Gracia Leiva, ...
Papers on Social Representations 29 (2), 2.1-2.38, 0
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