Ricardo Andrés Guzmán
Ricardo Andrés Guzmán
Professor of Economics, UDD
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Institutions influence preferences: Evidence from a common pool resource experiment
C Rodríguez-Sickert, RA Guzmán, JC Cárdenas
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 67 (1), 215-227, 2008
When in Rome, do as the Romans do: the coevolution of altruistic punishment, conformist learning, and cooperation
RA Guzmán, C Rodríguez-Sickert, R Rowthorn
Evolution and Human Behavior 28 (2), 112-117, 2007
Exploring External Validity of Common Pool Resource Experiments: Insights from Artisanal Benthic Fisheries in Chile.
S Gelcich, RA Guzman, C Rodríguez-Sickert, JC Castilla, JC Cárdenas
Ecology and Society 18 (3), 2013
The evolution of moral cognition
L Cosmides, RA Guzmán, J Tooby
The Routledge Handbook of Moral Epistemology, 174-227, 2019
A moral trade-off system produces intuitive judgments that are rational and coherent and strike a balance between conflicting moral values
RA Guzmán, MT Barbato, D Sznycer, L Cosmides
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (42), e2214005119, 2022
The Neolithic Revolution from a price-theoretic perspective
RA Guzmán, J Weisdorf
Journal of Development Economics 96 (2), 209-219, 2011
Euvoluntariness and just market exchange: moral dilemmas from Locke’s Venditio
RA Guzmán, MC Munger
Public Choice 158, 39-49, 2014
A game-theoretic model of reciprocity and trust that incorporates personality traits
RA Guzmán, R Harrison, N Abarca, M Villena
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 84, 2020
Effects of experience with access regimes on stewardship behaviors of small‐scale fishers
MI Rivera‐Hechem, RA Guzmán, C Rodríguez‐Sickert, S Gelcich
Conservation biology 35 (6), 1913-1922, 2021
A Theory of Just Market Exchange
RA Guzmán, MC Munger
The Journal of Value Inquiry 54, 91-118, 2020
Product variety and the demographic transition
RA Guzmán, JL Weisdorf
Economics Letters 107 (1), 74-76, 2010
The economics of social stratification in premodern societies
R Rowthorn, RA Guzmán, C Rodríguez-Sickert
Journal of Mathematical Sociology 28 (3), 175-202, 2014
An analytical theory of just market exchange
RA Guzmán, MC Munger
PPE working paper, 2013
No association between genetic variants in MAOA, OXTR, and AVPR1a and cooperative strategies
MI Rivera-Hechem, C Rodríguez-Sickert, RA Guzmán, T Ramírez-Parada, ...
Plos one 15 (12), e0244189, 2020
The Ecosystems of Simple and Complex Societies: Social and Geographical Dynamics
RA Guzmán, S Drobny, C Rodríguez-Sickert
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 21 (4), 10, 2018
Theories of the evolution of cooperative behaviour: A critical survey plus some new results
RE Rowthorn, RA Guzmán, C Rodríguez-Sickert
Rational moral intuitions
MT Barbato, L Cosmides, D Sznycer, RA Guzmán
29th Annual HBES Conference, 2017
Focalización del rol del Estado en la capacitación
M Singer, RA Guzmán
Camino al Bicentenario: Propuestas para Chile, 95-122, 2010
Reply to Greene: No version of the dual process model can explain rational performance by people who made compromise moral judgments
L Cosmides, MT Barbato, D Sznycer, MÁ Labarca, RA Guzmán
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (24), e2220909120, 2023
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Articles 1–19