María del Sequeros Pedroso Chaparro
María del Sequeros Pedroso Chaparro
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“We are staying at home.” Association of self-perceptions of aging, personal and family resources, and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of …
A Losada-Baltar, L Jiménez-Gonzalo, L Gallego-Alberto, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 76 (2), e10-e16, 2021
Diferencias en función de la edad y la autopercepción del envejecimiento en ansiedad, tristeza, soledad y sintomatología comórbida ansioso-depresiva durante el confinamiento …
A Losada-Baltar, M Márquez-González, L Jiménez-Gonzalo, ...
Revista española de geriatría y gerontología 55 (5), 272-278, 2020
Longitudinal correlates of loneliness and psychological distress during the lockdown situation due to COVID-19. Effects of age and self-perceptions of aging
A Losada-Baltar, JÁ Martínez-Huertas, L Jiménez-Gonzalo, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77 (4), 652-660, 2022
Differences in anxiety, sadness, loneliness and comorbid anxiety and sadness as a function of age and self-perceptions of aging during the lock-out period due to COVID-19
A Losada-Baltar, M Márquez-González, L Jiménez-Gonzalo, ...
Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia 55 (5), 272-278, 2020
“I feel guilty”. Exploring guilt-related dynamics in family caregivers of people with dementia
L Gallego-Alberto, A Losada, I Cabrera, R Romero-Moreno, ...
Clinical Gerontologist 45 (5), 1294-1303, 2022
Stress, cognitive fusion and comorbid depressive and anxiety symptomatology in dementia caregivers.
S Barrera-Caballero, R Romero-Moreno, ...
Psychology and Aging 36 (5), 667, 2021
Caring for relatives with dementia in times of COVID-19: Impact on caregivers and care-recipients
A Losada, C Vara-García, R Romero-Moreno, S Barrera-Caballero, ...
Clinical Gerontologist 45 (1), 71-85, 2022
Sociocultural influences on the feeling of loneliness of family caregivers of people with dementia: The role of kinship
C Huertas-Domingo, M Márquez-González, I Cabrera, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4700, 2021
Validation of the Spanish version of the Three-Item Loneliness Scale (Validación de la versión española de la Escala de Soledad de Tres Ítems)
MS Pedroso-Chaparro, M Márquez-González, JA Fernandes-Pires, ...
Studies in Psychology 43 (2), 311-331, 2022
The role of caregivers’ sleep problems in the association between behavioral symptoms of dementia and caregiving depression and anxiety
L Jiménez-Gonzalo, R Romero-Moreno, MDS Pedroso-Chaparro, ...
Behavioral Sleep Medicine 19 (5), 640-651, 2021
Guilt for perceiving oneself as a burden in healthy older adults. Associated factors
MS Pedroso-Chaparro, M Márquez-González, C Vara-García, I Cabrera, ...
Aging & Mental Health 25 (12), 2330-2336, 2021
Psychometric properties of the Insomnia Severity Index in a sample of family dementia caregivers
L Jiménez-Gonzalo, R Romero-Moreno, ...
Sleep Medicine 82, 65-70, 2021
Carga, depresión y familismo en cuidadores informales colombianos de pacientes con esquizofrenia y pacientes con demencia
B Mora-Castañeda, A Fernández-Liria, M Pedroso-Chaparro, ...
Behavioral Psychology= Psicología Conductual 28 (3), 517-531, 2020
To pay attention or not: The associations between attentional bias towards negative emotional information and anxiety, guilt feelings, and experiential avoidance in dementia …
I Cabrera, M Márquez-González, L Gallego-Alberto, ...
Aging & Mental Health 26 (2), 328-336, 2022
Validation of the Guilt associated with Self-Perception as a Burden Scale (G-SPBS)
M del Sequeros Pedroso-Chaparro, I Cabrera, M Márquez-González, ...
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 49 (2), 185-196, 2021
Family caregivers of people with dementia in the context of the sociocultural stress and coping model: An examination of gender differences
A Losada-Baltar, C Vara-García, MS Pedroso-Chaparro, I Cabrera, ...
Journal of Women & Aging 35 (4), 354-368, 2023
Guilt focused intervention for family caregivers. Preliminary results of a randomized clinical trial
R Romero-Moreno, M Márquez-González, L Gallego-Alberto, I Cabrera, ...
Clinical Gerontologist 45 (5), 1304-1316, 2022
Physical limitations and loneliness: The role of guilt related to self‐perception as a burden
MS Pedroso‐Chaparro, I Cabrera, C Vara‐García, M Márquez‐González, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 71 (3), 903-908, 2023
Personal values profiles in dementia family caregivers: their association with ambivalent feelings and anxious and depressive symptoms
C Vara-García, R Romero-Moreno, S Barrera-Caballero, ...
Aging & Mental Health 25 (11), 2160-2168, 2021
Sentimientos de ambivalencia y culpa en cuidadores familiares de personas con demencia. aspectos teóricos y prácticos
A Losada, M Sequeros Pedroso Chaparro, L Gallego-Alberto, C Huertas, ...
Inf. psiquiátr, 13-25, 2020
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20