Anshul Gupta
Anshul Gupta
IBM Research
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Introduction to parallel computing
V Kumar, A Grama, A Gupta, G Karypis
Benjamin/Cummings, 1994
An Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2/e
A Grama
Pearson Education India, 2008
Isoefficiency: Measuring the scalability of parallel algorithms and architectures
AY Grama, A Gupta, V Kumar
IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications 1 (3), 12-21, 1993
Highly scalable parallel algorithms for sparse matrix factorization
A Gupta, G Karypis, V Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems 8 (5), 502-520, 1997
Analyzing scalability of parallel algorithms and architectures
VP Kumar, A Gupta
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 22 (3), 379-391, 1994
The scalability of FFT on parallel computers
A Gupta, V Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 4 (8), 922-932, 1993
Fast and effective algorithms for graph partitioning and sparse-matrix ordering
A Gupta
IBM Journal of Research and Development 41 (1.2), 171-183, 1997
Recent advances in direct methods for solving unsymmetric sparse systems of linear equations
A Gupta
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 28 (3), 301-324, 2002
Scalability of parallel algorithms for matrix multiplication
A Gupta, V Kumar
1993 International Conference on Parallel Processing-ICPP'93 3, 115-123, 1993
Revisiting asynchronous linear solvers: Provable convergence rate through randomization
H Avron, A Druinsky, A Gupta
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 62 (6), 1-27, 2015
Performance and scalability of preconditioned conjugate gradient methods on parallel computers
A Gupta, V Kumar, A Sameh
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 6 (5), 455-469, 1995
Performance properties of large scale parallel systems
A Gupta, V Kumar
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 19 (3), 234-244, 1993
NSF/IEEE-TCPP curriculum initiative on parallel and distributed computing: core topics for undergraduates
SK Prasad, A Chtchelkanova, S Das, F Dehne, M Gouda, A Gupta, J Jaja, ...
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2011
Analysis of scalability of parallel algorithms and architectures: A survey
V Kumar, A Gupta
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Supercomputing, 396-405, 1991
A parallel formulation of interior point algorithms
G Karypis, A Gupta, V Kumar
Supercomputing'94: Proceedings of the 1994 ACM/IEEE Conference on …, 1994
WSMP: Watson sparse matrix package (Part-I: direct solution of symmetric sparse systems)
A Gupta
IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, Tech. Rep. RC 21886, 2000
Improved symbolic and numerical factorization algorithms for unsymmetric sparse matrices
A Gupta
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 24 (2), 529-552, 2002
WSMP: Watson Sparse Matrix Package (Part-II: direct solution of general sparse systems)
A Gupta
Technical Report RC 21888 (98472), IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown …, 2000
High performance computing in power and energy systems
SK Khaitan
Springer, 2013
Multifrontal factorization of sparse SPD matrices on GPUs
T George, V Saxena, A Gupta, A Singh, AR Choudhury
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 372-383, 2011
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