Felipe Gil-Castiñeira
Felipe Gil-Castiñeira
atlanTTic Research center for Telecommunication Technologies. Universidade de Vigo.
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The many faces of edge intelligence
E Peltonen, I Ahmad, A Aral, M Capobianco, AY Ding, F Gil-Castineira, ...
IEEE Access 10, 104769-104782, 2022
Experiences inside the ubiquitous oulu smart city
F Gil-Castineira, E Costa-Montenegro, F Gonzalez-Castano, ...
Computer 44 (6), 48-55, 2011
Ambient intelligence systems for personalized sport training
J Vales-Alonso, P López-Matencio, FJ Gonzalez-Castaño, ...
Sensors 10 (3), 2359-2385, 2010
Using delay tolerant networks for car2car communications
L Franck, F Gil-Castineira
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2573-2578, 2007
Extending vehicular CAN fieldbuses with delay-tolerant networks
F Gil-Castineira, FJ González-Castaño, L Franck
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (9), 3307-3314, 2008
Entertainment chatbot for the digital inclusion of elderly people without abstraction capabilities
S García-Méndez, F De Arriba-Perez, FJ González-Castaño, ...
IEEE Access 9, 75878-75891, 2021
Integration of nomadic devices with automotive user interfaces
F Gil-Castiñeira, D Chaves-Diéguez, FJ González-Castaño
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (1), 34-41, 2009
Providing IoT services in smart cities through dynamic augmented reality markers
D Chaves-Diéguez, A Pellitero-Rivero, D García-Coego, ...
Sensors 15 (7), 16083-16104, 2015
RunWithUs: a social sports application in the ubiquitous Oulu environment
F Gil-Castiñeira, A Fernández-López, CL Bravo, N Cid-Vieytes, ...
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous …, 2011
Urban pollution monitoring through opportunistic mobile sensor networks based on public transport
F Gil-Castineira, FJ Gonzalez-Castano, RJ Duro, F Lopez-Pena
2008 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for …, 2008
A review of aeronautical electronics and its parallelism with automotive electronics
J Munoz-Castaner, R Asorey-Cacheda, FJ Gil-Castineira, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (7), 3090-3100, 2010
QR-Maps: An efficient tool for indoor user location based on QR-Codes and Google maps
E Costa-Montenegro, FJ González-Castaño, D Conde-Lagoa, ...
2011 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 928-932, 2011
History-based self-organizing traffic lights
JC Burguillo-Rial, PS Rodríguez-Hernández, EC Montenegro, ...
Computing and Informatics 28 (2), 157–168-157–168, 2009
Human motion tracking and gait analysis: a brief review of current sensing systems and integration with intelligent environments
DA Rodríguez-Silva, F Gil-Castineira, FJ Gonzalez-Castano, RJ Duro, ...
2008 IEEE Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and …, 2008
Acoustic sensor planning for gunshot location in national parks: A pareto front approach
FJ González-Castano, JV Alonso, E Costa-Montenegro, ...
Sensors 9 (12), 9493-9512, 2009
Privacy for google docs: Implementing a transparent encryption layer
L Adkinson-Orellana, DA Rodríguez-Silva, F Gil-Castiñeira, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing, 20-21, 2010
Secure eTickets based on QR-Codes with user-encrypted content
D Conde-Lagoa, E Costa-Montenegro, FJ González-Castaño, ...
2010 digest of technical papers international conference on consumer …, 2010
Bluetooth-assisted context-awareness in educational data networks
FJ González-Castaño, J Garcıa-Reinoso, F Gil-Castineira, ...
Computers & Education 45 (1), 105-121, 2005
Vehicular entertainment systems: Mobile application enhancement in networked infrastructures
E Costa-Montenegro, F Quinoy-Garcia, FJ Gonzalez-Castano, ...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 7 (3), 73-79, 2012
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 p in urban environments using a multi-agent model
JC Burguillo-Rial, E Costa-Montenegro, F Gil-Castineira, ...
2008 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2008
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Artículos 1–20