Catarina Rolim
Catarina Rolim
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Energy, environmental and mobility impacts of car-sharing systems. Empirical results from Lisbon, Portugal
P Baptista, S Melo, C Rolim
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 28-37, 2014
Impacts of electric vehicle adoption on driver behavior and environmental performance
CC Rolim, GN Gonçalves, TL Farias, Ó Rodrigues
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 54, 706-715, 2012
Examining the use of e‐assessment in higher education: teachers and students’ viewpoints
C Rolim, P Isaias
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (4), 1785-1800, 2019
How battery electric vehicles can contribute to sustainable urban logistics: A real-world application in Lisbon, Portugal
G Duarte, C Rolim, P Baptista
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 15, 71-78, 2016
Quantification of the impacts of eco-driving training and real-time feedback on urban buses driver's behaviour
C Rolim, P Baptista, G Duarte, T Farias, Y Shiftan
Transportation research procedia 3, 70-79, 2014
From on-road trial evaluation of electric and conventional bicycles to comparison with other urban transport modes: Case study in the city of Lisbon, Portugal
P Baptista, A Pina, G Duarte, C Rolim, G Pereira, C Silva, T Farias
Energy Conversion and Management 92, 10-18, 2015
Impacts of on-board devices and training on light duty vehicle driving behavior
CC Rolim, PC Baptista, GO Duarte, TL Farias
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 111, 711-720, 2014
Energy retrofit as an answer to public health costs of fuel poverty in Lisbon social housing
M Avanzini, MD Pinheiro, R Gomes, C Rolim
Energy Policy 160, 112658, 2022
Real-time feedback impacts on eco-driving behavior and influential variables in fuel consumption in a lisbon urban bus operator
C Rolim, P Baptista, G Duarte, T Farias, J Pereira
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (11), 3061-3071, 2017
Car sharing systems as a sustainable transport policy: A case study from Lisbon, Portugal
P Baptista, S Melo, C Rolim
Sustainable urban transport 7, 205-227, 2015
Plug-in vehicle acceptance and probable utilization behaviour
P Baptista, C Rolim, C Silva
Journal of Transportation Technologies 2 (01), 67, 2012
Impacts of delayed feedback on eco-driving behavior and resulting environmental performance changes
C Rolim, P Baptista, G Duarte, T Farias, J Pereira
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 43, 366-378, 2016
Electric vehicle adopters in Lisbon: motivation, utilization patterns and environmental impacts
CC Rolim, PC Baptista, TL Farias, Ó Rodrigues
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 14 (3), 2014
The contribution of car sharing to the sustainable mobility transition
E Terama, J Peltomaa, C Rolim, P Baptista
Transfers 8 (2), 113-121, 2018
Assessing energy consumption impacts of traffic shifts based on real-world driving data
M Faria, C Rolim, G Duarte, T Farias, P Baptista
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 62, 489-507, 2018
Electric vehicle adopters' motivation, utilization patterns and environmental impacts: A Lisbon case study
C Rolim, P Baptista, T Farias, Ó Rodrigues
2013 World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS27), 1-11, 2013
Impacts of real-time feedback on driving behaviour: a casestudy of bus passenger drivers
C Rolim, P Baptista, G Duarte, T Farias, J Pereira
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 17 (3), 2017
Sharing lisboa: A digital social market to promote sustainable and energy efficient behaviours
CC Rolim, P Baptista
Climate 9 (2), 34, 2021
Comparing drivers’ self-perception on driving behaviour changes with real world driving performance data: Lisbon case-study
C Rolim, P Baptista
Travel behaviour and society 11, 86-92, 2018
Citizen engagement in energy efficiency retrofit of public housing buildings: a Lisbon case study
C Rolim, R Gomes
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Proceedings of SEB 2019, 421-431, 2020
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Articles 1–20