Marcos Moreno
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Cited by
2010 Maule earthquake slip correlates with pre-seismic locking of Andean subduction zone
M Moreno, M Rosenau, O Oncken
Nature 467 (7312), 198-202, 2010
Gradual unlocking of plate boundary controlled initiation of the 2014 Iquique earthquake
B Schurr, G Asch, S Hainzl, J Bedford, A Hoechner, M Palo, R Wang, ...
Nature 512 (7514), 299-302, 2014
Toward understanding tectonic control on the Mw 8.8 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
M Moreno, D Melnick, M Rosenau, J Baez, J Klotz, O Oncken, A Tassara, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 321, 152-165, 2012
Impact of megathrust geometry on inversion of coseismic slip from geodetic data: Application to the 1960 Chile earthquake
MS Moreno, J Bolte, J Klotz, D Melnick
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (16), 2009
Heterogeneous plate locking in the South–Central Chile subduction zone: Building up the next great earthquake
M Moreno, D Melnick, M Rosenau, J Bolte, J Klotz, H Echtler, J Baez, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (3-4), 413-424, 2011
Locking of the Chile subduction zone controlled by fluid pressure before the 2010 earthquake
M Moreno, C Haberland, O Oncken, A Rietbrock, S Angiboust, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (4), 292-296, 2014
The 2015 Illapel earthquake, central Chile: A type case for a characteristic earthquake?
F Tilmann, Y Zhang, M Moreno, J Saul, F Eckelmann, M Palo, Z Deng, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (2), 574-583, 2016
Aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake rupture zone
D Lange, F Tilmann, SE Barrientos, E Contreras-Reyes, P Methe, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 317, 413-425, 2012
Revisiting viscoelastic effects on interseismic deformation and locking degree: A case study of the Peru‐North Chile subduction zone
S Li, M Moreno, J Bedford, M Rosenau, O Oncken
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (6), 4522-4538, 2015
Splay fault slip during the Mw 8.8 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
D Melnick, M Moreno, M Motagh, M Cisternas, RL Wesson
Geology 40 (3), 251-254, 2012
A high-resolution, time-variable afterslip model for the 2010 Maule Mw= 8.8, Chile megathrust earthquake
J Bedford, M Moreno, JC Baez, D Lange, F Tilmann, M Rosenau, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 383, 26-36, 2013
Local tsunami warnings: Perspectives from recent large events
D Melgar, RM Allen, S Riquelme, J Geng, F Bravo, JC Baez, H Parra, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (3), 1109-1117, 2016
Chilean megathrust earthquake recurrence linked to frictional contrast at depth
M Moreno, S Li, D Melnick, JR Bedford, JC Báez, M Motagh, S Metzger, ...
Nature Geoscience 11 (4), 285-290, 2018
The super‐interseismic phase of the megathrust earthquake cycle in Chile
D Melnick, M Moreno, J Quinteros, JC Baez, Z Deng, S Li, O Oncken
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (2), 784-791, 2017
Estimating coseismic coastal uplift with an intertidal mussel: calibration for the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake (Mw= 8.8)
D Melnick, M Cisternas, M Moreno, R Norambuena
Quaternary Science Reviews 42, 29-42, 2012
Active faulting and heterogeneous deformation across a megathrust segment boundary from GPS data, south central Chile (36–39 S)
MS Moreno, J Klotz, D Melnick, H Echtler, K Bataille
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (12), 2008
Months-long thousand-kilometre-scale wobbling before great subduction earthquakes
JR Bedford, M Moreno, Z Deng, O Oncken, B Schurr, T John, JC Báez, ...
Nature 580 (7805), 628-635, 2020
Vertical deformation through a complete seismic cycle at Isla Santa María, Chile
RL Wesson, D Melnick, M Cisternas, M Moreno, LL Ely
Nature Geoscience 8 (7), 547-551, 2015
Coseismic slip and afterslip of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel (Chile) earthquake determined from continuous GPS data
MN Shrivastava, G González, M Moreno, M Chlieh, P Salazar, CD Reddy, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (20), 10,710-10,719, 2016
Separating rapid relocking, afterslip, and viscoelastic relaxation: An application of the postseismic straightening method to the Maule 2010 cGPS
J Bedford, M Moreno, S Li, O Oncken, JC Baez, M Bevis, O Heidbach, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (10), 7618-7638, 2016
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Articles 1–20