Felipe Bravo-Marquez
Felipe Bravo-Marquez
Associate Professor, University of Chile
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Semeval-2018 Task 1: Affect in tweets
SM Mohammad, F Bravo-Marquez, M Salameh, S Kiritchenko
Proceedings of International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018 …, 2018
WASSA-2017 shared task on emotion intensity
SM Mohammad, F Bravo-Marquez
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2017
Meta-level sentiment models for big social data analysis
F Bravo-Marquez, M Mendoza, B Poblete
Knowledge-based systems 69, 86-99, 2014
Emotion intensities in tweets
SM Mohammad, F Bravo-Marquez
Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational …, 2017
A novel deterministic approach for aspect-based opinion mining in tourism products reviews
E Marrese-Taylor, JD Velásquez, F Bravo-Marquez
Expert systems with applications 41 (17), 7764-7775, 2014
Combining strengths, emotions and polarities for boosting twitter sentiment analysis
F Bravo-Marquez, M Mendoza, B Poblete
Proceedings of the second international workshop on issues of sentiment …, 2013
WekaDeeplearning4j: A deep learning package for Weka based on Deeplearning4j
S Lang, F Bravo-Marquez, C Beckham, M Hall, E Frank
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019
Identifying Customer Preferences about Tourism Products using an Aspect-Based Opinion Mining Approach
E Marrese-Taylor, JD Velásquez, F Bravo-Marquez, Y Matsuo
17th International Conference in Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information …, 2013
Proof-of-Learning: a Blockchain Consensus Mechanism based on Machine Learning Competitions
F Bravo-Marquez, S Reeves, M Ugarte
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized …, 2019
Determining word-emotion associations from tweets by multi-label classification
F Bravo-Marquez, E Frank, SM Mohammad, B Pfahringer
2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on Web intelligence (WI), 536-539, 2016
Building a Twitter opinion lexicon from automatically-annotated tweets
F Bravo-Marquez, E Frank, B Pfahringer
Knowledge-Based Systems 108, 65-78, 2016
WEFE: The Word Embeddings Fairness Evaluation Framework
P Badilla, F Bravo-Marquez, J Pérez
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2020
ALBETO and DistilBETO: Lightweight Spanish Language Models
J Cañete, S Donoso, F Bravo-Marquez, A Carvallo, V Araujo
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2022
LSCDiscovery: A shared task on semantic change discovery and detection in Spanish
FD Zamora-Reina, F Bravo-Marquez, D Schlechtweg
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to …, 2022
Opinion zoom: A modular tool to explore tourism opinions on the web
E Marrese-Taylor, JD Velásquez, F Bravo-Marquez
2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI …, 2013
DOCODE 3.0 (DOcument COpy DEtector): A system for plagiarism detection by applying an information fusion process from multiple documental data sources
JD Velásquez, Y Covacevich, F Molina, E Marrese-Taylor, C Rodríguez, ...
Information Fusion 27, 64-75, 2016
AffectiveTweets: a Weka package for analyzing affect in tweets
F Bravo-Marquez, E Frank, B Pfahringer, SM Mohammad
Journal of Machine Learning Research 20 (92), 1-6, 2019
Positive, Negative, or Neutral: Learning an Expanded Opinion Lexicon from Emoticon-annotated Tweets
F Bravo-Marquez, E Frank, B Pfahringer
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on …, 2015
Opinion Dynamics of Elections in Twitter
F Bravo-Marquez, D Gayo-Avello, M Mendoza, B Poblete
2012 Eighth Latin American Web Congress, 32-39, 2012
From Unlabelled Tweets to Twitter-specific Opinion Words
F Bravo-Marquez, E Frank, B Pfahringer
Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2015
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