Shih-Chieh Kao
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A copula-based joint deficit index for droughts
SC Kao, RS Govindaraju
Journal of Hydrology 380 (1-2), 121-134, 2010
A multi-model and multi-index evaluation of drought characteristics in the 21st century
D Touma, M Ashfaq, MA Nayak, SC Kao, NS Diffenbaugh
Journal of Hydrology 526, 196-207, 2015
Lack of uniform trends but increasing spatial variability in observed Indian rainfall extremes
S Ghosh, D Das, SC Kao, AR Ganguly
Nature Climate Change 2 (2), 86-91, 2012
Trivariate statistical analysis of extreme rainfall events via the Plackett family of copulas
SC Kao, RS Govindaraju
Water Resources Research 44 (2), 2008
Gridded daily weather data for North America with comprehensive uncertainty quantification
PE Thornton, R Shrestha, M Thornton, SC Kao, Y Wei, BE Wilson
Scientific Data 8 (1), 190, 2021
A bivariate frequency analysis of extreme rainfall with implications for design
SC Kao, RS Govindaraju
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D13), 2007
Daymet: daily surface weather data on a 1-km grid for North America, version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
PE Thornton, MM Thornton, BW Mayer, Y Wei, R Devarakonda, RS Vose, ...
USDA-NASS, 2019. 2017 Census of Agriculture, Summary and State Data …, 2016
Intensity, duration, and frequency of precipitation extremes under 21st‐century warming scenarios
SC Kao, AR Ganguly
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D16), 2011
Machine learning assisted hybrid models can improve streamflow simulation in diverse catchments across the conterminous US
G Konapala, SC Kao, SL Painter, D Lu
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104022, 2020
Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model
G Zhao, H Gao, BS Naz, SC Kao, N Voisin
Advances in Water Resources 98, 16-31, 2016
Regional hydrologic response to climate change in the conterminous United States using high-resolution hydroclimate simulations
BS Naz, SC Kao, M Ashfaq, D Rastogi, R Mei, LC Bowling
Global and Planetary Change 143, 100-117, 2016
Climate change and changes in compound coastal‐riverine flooding hazard along the US coasts
M Ghanbari, M Arabi, SC Kao, J Obeysekera, W Sweet
Earth's Future 9 (5), e2021EF002055, 2021
A large-scale, high-resolution hydrological model parameter data set for climate change impact assessment for the conterminous US
AA Oubeidillah, SC Kao, M Ashfaq, BS Naz, G Tootle
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (1), 67-84, 2014
Near‐term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western US
M Ashfaq, S Ghosh, SC Kao, LC Bowling, P Mote, D Touma, SA Rauscher, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (19), 10,676-10,693, 2013
An assessment of energy potential at non-powered dams in the United States
B Hadjerioua
EERE Publication and Product Library, Washington, DC (United States), 2012
How do modeling decisions affect the spread among hydrologic climate change projections? Exploring a large ensemble of simulations across a diversity of hydroclimates
OS Chegwidden, B Nijssen, DE Rupp, JR Arnold, MP Clark, JJ Hamman, ...
Earth's Future 7 (6), 623-637, 2019
Projecting changes in annual hydropower generation using regional runoff data: An assessment of the United States federal hydropower plants
SC Kao, MJ Sale, M Ashfaq, RU Martinez, DP Kaiser, Y Wei, ...
Energy 80, 239-250, 2015
TRITON: A Multi-GPU open source 2D hydrodynamic flood model
M Morales-Hernández, MB Sharif, A Kalyanapu, SK Ghafoor, TT Dullo, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 141, 105034, 2021
Effects of climate change on streamflow extremes and implications for reservoir inflow in the United States
BS Naz, SC Kao, M Ashfaq, H Gao, D Rastogi, S Gangrade
Journal of Hydrology 556, 359-370, 2018
New stream-reach development: a comprehensive assessment of hydropower energy potential in the United States
SC Kao, RA McManamay, KM Stewart, NM Samu, B Hadjerioua, ...
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2014
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