Guang Zhu
Guang Zhu
University of Nottingham Ningbo China & Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, CAS
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Transparent triboelectric nanogenerators and self-powered pressure sensors based on micropatterned plastic films
FR Fan, L Lin, G Zhu, W Wu, R Zhang, ZL Wang
Nano letters 12 (6), 3109-3114, 2012
Toward large-scale energy harvesting by a nanoparticle-enhanced triboelectric nanogenerator
G Zhu, ZH Lin, Q Jing, P Bai, C Pan, Y Yang, Y Zhou, ZL Wang
Nano letters 13 (2), 847-853, 2013
Triboelectric-generator-driven pulse electrodeposition for micropatterning
G Zhu, C Pan, W Guo, CY Chen, Y Zhou, R Yu, ZL Wang
Nano letters 12 (9), 4960-4965, 2012
Flexible high-output nanogenerator based on lateral ZnO nanowire array
G Zhu, R Yang, S Wang, ZL Wang
Nano letters 10 (8), 3151-3155, 2010
Radial-arrayed rotary electrification for high performance triboelectric generator
G Zhu, J Chen, T Zhang, Q Jing, ZL Wang
Nature communications 5 (1), 3426, 2014
Pyroelectric nanogenerators for harvesting thermoelectric energy
Y Yang, W Guo, KC Pradel, G Zhu, Y Zhou, Y Zhang, Y Hu, L Lin, ...
Nano letters 12 (6), 2833-2838, 2012
Harmonic‐resonator‐based triboelectric nanogenerator as a sustainable power source and a self‐powered active vibration sensor
J Chen, G Zhu, W Yang, Q Jing, P Bai, Y Yang, TC Hou, ZL Wang
Advanced materials 25 (42), 6094-6099, 2013
Flexible Nanocomposite Generator Made of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles and Graphitic Carbons
KI Park, M Lee, Y Liu, S Moon, GT Hwang, G Zhu, JE Kim, SO Kim, ...
Advanced materials 24 (22), 2999-3004, 2012
High-resolution electroluminescent imaging of pressure distribution using a piezoelectric nanowire LED array
C Pan, L Dong, G Zhu, S Niu, R Yu, Q Yang, Y Liu, ZL Wang
Nature Photonics 7 (9), 752-758, 2013
Triboelectric nanogenerators as a new energy technology: From fundamentals, devices, to applications
G Zhu, B Peng, J Chen, Q Jing, ZL Wang
Nano Energy 14, 126-138, 2015
Triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting wind energy and as self-powered wind vector sensor system
Y Yang, G Zhu, H Zhang, J Chen, X Zhong, ZH Lin, Y Su, P Bai, X Wen, ...
ACS nano 7 (10), 9461-9468, 2013
Integrated multilayered triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting biomechanical energy from human motions
P Bai, G Zhu, ZH Lin, Q Jing, J Chen, G Zhang, J Ma, ZL Wang
ACS nano 7 (4), 3713-3719, 2013
Converting biomechanical energy into electricity by a muscle-movement-driven nanogenerator
R Yang, Y Qin, C Li, G Zhu, ZL Wang
Nano letters 9 (3), 1201-1205, 2009
Harvesting energy from the natural vibration of human walking
W Yang, J Chen, G Zhu, J Yang, P Bai, Y Su, Q Jing, X Cao, ZL Wang
ACS nano 7 (12), 11317-11324, 2013
Harvesting water wave energy by asymmetric screening of electrostatic charges on a nanostructured hydrophobic thin-film surface
G Zhu, Y Su, P Bai, J Chen, Q Jing, W Yang, ZL Wang
ACS nano 8 (6), 6031-6037, 2014
Progress in nanogenerators for portable electronics
ZL Wang, G Zhu, Y Yang, S Wang, C Pan
Materials today 15 (12), 532-543, 2012
Linear-grating triboelectric generator based on sliding electrification
G Zhu, J Chen, Y Liu, P Bai, YS Zhou, Q Jing, C Pan, ZL Wang
Nano letters 13 (5), 2282-2289, 2013
A shape‐adaptive thin‐film‐based approach for 50% high‐efficiency energy generation through micro‐grating sliding electrification
G Zhu, YS Zhou, P Bai, XS Meng, Q Jing, J Chen, ZL Wang
Advanced materials 26 (23), 3788-3796, 2014
Self-powered, ultrasensitive, flexible tactile sensors based on contact electrification
G Zhu, WQ Yang, T Zhang, Q Jing, J Chen, YS Zhou, P Bai, ZL Wang
Nano letters 14 (6), 3208-3213, 2014
Muscle‐driven in vivo nanogenerator
Z Li, G Zhu, R Yang, AC Wang, ZL Wang
Advanced materials 23 (22), 2534-2537, 2010
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