Raghuram Iyengar
Raghuram Iyengar
Professor, Marketing
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Opinion leadership and social contagion in new product diffusion
R Iyengar, C Van den Bulte, TW Valente
Marketing science 30 (2), 195-212, 2011
Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice
N Arora, X Dreze, A Ghose, JD Hess, R Iyengar, B Jing, Y Joshi, V Kumar, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 305-321, 2008
Communication channels and word of mouth: How the medium shapes the message
J Berger, R Iyengar
Journal of consumer research 40 (3), 567-579, 2013
Choice models and customer relationship management
W Kamakura, CF Mela, A Ansari, A Bodapati, P Fader, R Iyengar, P Naik, ...
Marketing letters 16, 279-291, 2005
Informational challenges in omnichannel marketing: Remedies and future research
TH Cui, A Ghose, H Halaburda, R Iyengar, K Pauwels, S Sriram, C Tucker, ...
Journal of marketing 85 (1), 103-120, 2021
A model of consumer learning for service quality and usage
R Iyengar, A Ansari, S Gupta
Journal of marketing research 44 (4), 529-544, 2007
Do friends influence purchases in a social network?
R Iyengar, S Han, S Gupta
Harvard Business School Marketing Unit Working Paper, 2009
Social contagion in new product trial and repeat
R Iyengar, C Van den Bulte, JY Lee
Marketing Science 34 (3), 408-429, 2015
A conjoint approach to multipart pricing
R Iyengar, K Jedidi, R Kohli
Journal of Marketing Research 45 (2), 195-210, 2008
Network overlap and content sharing on social media platforms
J Peng, A Agarwal, K Hosanagar, R Iyengar
Journal of marketing research 55 (4), 571-585, 2018
The perils of proactive churn prevention using plan recommendations: Evidence from a field experiment
E Ascarza, R Iyengar, M Schleicher
Journal of Marketing Research 53 (1), 46-60, 2016
The impact of tariff structure on customer retention, usage, and profitability of access services
R Iyengar, K Jedidi, S Essegaier, PJ Danaher
Marketing Science 30 (5), 820-836, 2011
The impact of subscription programs on customer purchases
R Iyengar, YH Park, Q Yu
Journal of Marketing Research 59 (6), 1101-1119, 2022
Price discrimination in service industries
A Lambrecht, K Seim, N Vilcassim, A Cheema, Y Chen, GS Crawford, ...
Marketing Letters 23, 423-438, 2012
Tricked by truncation: Spurious duration dependence and social contagion in hazard models
C Van den Bulte, R Iyengar
Marketing Science 30 (2), 233-248, 2011
How interest shapes word-of-mouth over different channels
JA Berger, R Iyengar
Available at SSRN 2013141, 2012
How social network and opinion leaders affect the adoption of new products
R Iyengar, C Van den Bulte, J Eichert, B West
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 3 (1), 16-25, 2011
Rejoinder—Further reflections on studying social influence in new product diffusion
R Iyengar, C Van den Bulte, TW Valente
Marketing Science 30 (2), 230-232, 2011
Leveraging information across categories
R Iyengar, A Ansari, S Gupta
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1, 425-465, 2003
A conjoint model of quantity discounts
R Iyengar, K Jedidi
Marketing Science 31 (2), 334-350, 2012
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Articles 1–20