Franco Zunino
Franco Zunino
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley
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The reaction between metakaolin and limestone and its effect in porosity refinement and mechanical properties
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Cement and Concrete Research 140, 106307, 2021
Impacting factors and properties of limestone calcined clay cements (LC3)
K Scrivener, F Avet, H Maraghechi, F Zunino, J Ston, W Hanpongpun, ...
Green Materials 7 (1), 3-14, 2018
Limestone and silica powder replacements for cement: Early-age performance
DP Bentz, CF Ferraris, SZ Jones, D Lootens, F Zunino
Cement and Concrete Composites 78, 43-56, 2017
The influence of the filler effect on the sulfate requirement of blended cements
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Cement and Concrete Research 126, 105918, 2019
Clay calcination technology: state-of-the-art review by the RILEM TC 282-CCL
T Hanein, KC Thienel, F Zunino, ATM Marsh, M Maier, B Wang, M Canut, ...
Materials and Structures 55 (1), 3, 2022
Factors influencing the sulfate balance in pure phase C3S/C3A systems
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Cement and Concrete Research 133, 106085, 2020
Microstructural developments of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) pastes after long-term (3 years) hydration
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Cement and Concrete Research 153, 106693, 2022
Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (LC³).
F Zunino, F Martirena, K Scrivener
ACI Materials Journal 118 (3), 2021
Evaluating the hydration of high volume fly ash mixtures using chemically inert fillers
I De la Varga, J Castro, DP Bentz, F Zunino, J Weiss
Construction and Building Materials 161, 221-228, 2018
Stability of hemicarbonate under cement paste-like conditions
F Georget, B Lothenbach, W Wilson, F Zunino, KL Scrivener
Cement and Concrete Research 153, 106692, 2022
Assessing the effect of alkanolamine grinding aids in limestone calcined clay cements hydration
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Construction and Building Materials 266, 121293, 2021
Recycling of hydrated cement pastes by synthesis of α′ H-C2S
R Serpell, F Zunino
Cement and Concrete Research 100, 398-412, 2017
Decoupling the physical and chemical effects of supplementary cementitious materials on strength and permeability: A multi-level approach
F Zunino, M Lopez
Cement and concrete composites 65, 19-28, 2016
The impact of calcite impurities in clays containing kaolinite on their reactivity in cement after calcination
F Zunino, E Boehm-Courjault, K Scrivener
Materials and Structures 53, 1-15, 2020
Reducing setting time of blended cement paste containing high-SO3 fly ash (HSFA) using chemical/physical accelerators and by fly ash pre-washing
F Zunino, DP Bentz, J Castro
Cement and Concrete Composites 90, 14-26, 2018
Properties and occurrence of clay resources for use as supplementary cementitious materials: a paper of RILEM TC 282-CCL
A Alujas Diaz, RS Almenares Reyes, T Hanein, EF Irassar, M Juenger, ...
Materials and Structures 55 (5), 139, 2022
Hydration and mixture design of calcined clay blended cements: review by the RILEM TC 282-CCL
F Zunino, Y Dhandapani, M Ben Haha, J Skibsted, S Joseph, S Krishnan, ...
Materials and Structures 55 (9), 234, 2022
Insights on the role of alumina content and the filler effect on the sulfate requirement of PC and blended cements
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Cement and Concrete Research 160, 106929, 2022
Increasing the kaolinite content of raw clays using particle classification techniques for use as supplementary cementitious materials
F Zunino, K Scrivener
Construction and Building Materials 244, 118335, 2020
Limestone calcined clay cements (LC3): raw material processing, sulfate balance and hydration kinetics
F Zunino
EPFL Thesis 8173, 2020
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Articles 1–20