James W. Endersby
James W. Endersby
Truman School of Government, University of Missouri
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Multinomial probit and multinomial logit: a comparison of choice models for voting research
JK Dow, JW Endersby
Electoral studies 23 (1), 107-122, 2004
Collaborative research in the social sciences: Multiple authorship and publication credit
JW Endersby
Social Science Quarterly, 375-392, 1996
Closeness counts in Canada: Voter participation in the 1993 and 1997 federal elections
JW Endersby, SE Galatas, CB Rackaway
Journal of Politics 64 (2), 610-631, 2002
Turnout around the globe: The influence of electoral institutions on national voter participation, 1972–2000
JW Endersby, JT Krieckhaus
Electoral Studies 27 (4), 601-610, 2008
Issues, the spatial theory of voting, and British general elections: A comparison of proximity and directional models
S Cho, JW Endersby
Public Choice 114 (3), 275-293, 2003
Iron Triangle Simulation: A role-playing game for undergraduates in Congress, interest groups, and public policy classes
JW Endersby, DJ Webber
PS: Political Science & Politics 28 (3), 520-523, 1995
The impact of legislator attributes on union PAC campaign contributions
JW Endersby, MC Munger
Journal of Labor Research 13 (1), 79-97, 1992
Tailgate partisanship: Political and social expression through bumper stickers
JW Endersby, MJ Towle
The Social Science Journal 33 (3), 307-319, 1996
Objectivity revisited: A spatial model of political ideology and mass communication
E Ognianova, JW Endersby
Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs, 0_5, 1996
Campaign contributions and legislative voting in the California Assembly
JK Dow, JW Endersby
American Politics Quarterly 22 (3), 334-353, 1994
Effects of constitutional and political controls on state expenditures
JW Endersby, MJ Towle
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 27 (1), 83-98, 1997
A revised probabilistic spatial model of elections: theory and evidence
JM Enelow, JW Endersby, MC Munger
Information, Participation and Choice. An “Economic Theory of Democracy” in …, 1993
Committee assignments in the US Senate
JW Endersby, KM McCurdy
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 219-233, 1996
Strategic voting in plurality elections: a simulation of Duverger's law
JW Endersby, KB Shaw
PS: Political Science & Politics 42 (2), 393-399, 2009
British parties and spatial competition: Dimensions of party evaluation in the 1992 election
JW Endersby, SE Galatas
Public Choice 97 (3), 363-382, 1998
Making wasted votes count: Turnout, transfers, and preferential voting in practice
JW Endersby, MJ Towle
Electoral Studies 33, 144-152, 2014
The industrial structure of the California Assembly: Committee assignments, economic interests, and campaign contributions
JK Dow, JW Endersby, CE Menifield
Public Choice 94 (1), 67-83, 1998
Hollywood liberalism.
DF Prindle, JW Endersby
Social Science Quarterly, 1993
Rules of method and rules of conduct: An experimental study on two types of procedure and committee behavior
JW Endersby
The Journal of Politics 55 (1), 218-236, 1993
The stability of voter perceptions: A comparison of candidate positions across time using the spatial theory of voting
JW Endersby, MJ Hinich
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 16 (8-9), 67-83, 1992
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Articles 1–20