Jason A Collins
Jason A Collins
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Cited by
Cited by
The intelligent helpdesk: Supporting peer-help in a university course
J Greer, G McCalla, J Cooke, J Collins, V Kumar, A Bishop, J Vassileva
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 4th International Conference, ITS’98 San …, 1998
Supporting peer help and collaboration in distributed workplace environments
JE Greer, G Mccalla, JA Collins, VS Kumar, P Meagher, J Vassileva
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 9, 159-177, 1998
Adaptive assessment using granularity hierarchies and Bayesian nets
JA Collins, JE Greer, SX Huang
International conference on intelligent tutoring systems, 569-577, 1996
Correct: code reviewer recommendation in github based on cross-project and technology experience
MM Rahman, CK Roy, JA Collins
Proceedings of the 38th international conference on software engineering …, 2016
Inspectable user models for just-in-time workplace training
JA Collins, JE Greer, VS Kumar, GI McCalla, P Meagher, R Tkatch
User Modeling: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference UM97 Chia …, 1997
A peer help system for workplace training
GI McCalla, JE Greer, VS Kumar, P Meagher, JA Collins, R Tkatch, ...
B. d. Boulay, & R. Mizoguchi (Eds.), AI-ED 97 (8), 183-190, 1997
Correct: Code reviewer recommendation at github for vendasta technologies
MM Rahman, CK Roy, J Redl, JA Collins
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM international conference on automated …, 2016
Integrating cognitive tools for peer help: The intelligent intranet peer help-desk project
J Greer, G McCalla, J Cooke, J Collins, V Kumar, A Bishop, J Vassileva
Computers as cognitive tools, 69-96, 2020
Facilitating collaborative learning in distributed organizations
J Greer, G McCalla, V Kumar, J Collins, P Meagher
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 1997
Analogical user modelling: A case study in individualized information filtering
G McCalla, F Searwar, J Thomson, J Collins, Y Sun, B Zhou
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on User Modeling, Kailuna …, 1996
Using the culture care theory as the organizing framework for a federal project on cultural competence
MM Andrews, J Collins
Culture care diversity and universality: A worldwide theory of nursing, 2015
Container and method of manufacture thereof
S Houlton, G Fekete, J Collins, R Barrett
US Patent 9,027,783, 2015
Adaptive testing with granularity
JA Collins
Recuperado el 15, 1996
MM Rahman, CK Roy, JA Collins
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
CORRECT: Code Reviewer Recommendation at GitHub for Vendasta Technologies
M Masudur Rahman, CK Roy, J Redl, JA Collins
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1807.04130, 2018
CORRECT: Code Reviewer Recommendation in GitHub Based on Cross-Project and Technology Experience
M Masudur Rahman, CK Roy, JA Collins
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1807.02965, 2018
S Houlton, G Fekete, J Collins, R Barrett
US Patent App. 29/409,398, 2013
Corson, D. 76
L Ahearn, J Allen, H Attarian, E Auerbach, D Baker, M Bakhtin, ...
Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 361, 2007
Language in Society: Editor's note
K Abe, M Aceto, A Agha, L Ahearn, B Anderson, RB Arundale, ...
Language in Society, 2006
Feedback and Support for Collaboration
S Bull, JA Collins, JE Greer, VS Kumar, GI McCalla, P Meagher, R Tkatch
User Modeling: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference UM97 Chia …, 1997
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Articles 1–20