Daniel McFarland
Daniel McFarland
Professor of Education, Stanford University
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Descriptive Analysis in Education: A Guide for Researchers. NCEE 2017-4023.
S Loeb, S Dynarski, D McFarland, P Morris, S Reardon, S Reber
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2017
The diversity–innovation paradox in science
B Hofstra, VV Kulkarni, S Munoz-Najar Galvez, B He, D Jurafsky, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (17), 9284-9291, 2020
Bowling young: How youth voluntary associations influence adult political participation
DA McFarland, RJ Thomas
American sociological review 71 (3), 401-425, 2006
Dynamic network visualization
J Moody, D McFarland, S Bender-deMoll
American journal of sociology 110 (4), 1206-1241, 2005
Ties that last: Tie formation and persistence in research collaborations over time
L Dahlander, DA McFarland
Administrative science quarterly 58 (1), 69-110, 2013
Student resistance: How the formal and informal organization of classrooms facilitate everyday forms of student defiance
DA McFarland
American journal of sociology 107 (3), 612-678, 2001
Network ecology and adolescent social structure
DA McFarland, J Moody, D Diehl, JA Smith, RJ Thomas
American sociological review 79 (6), 1088-1121, 2014
Topic modeling for the social sciences
D Ramage, E Rosen, J Chuang, CD Manning, DA McFarland
NIPS 2009 workshop on applications for topic models: text and beyond 5 (27), 1-4, 2009
Measuring the evolution of a scientific field through citation frames
D Jurgens, S Kumar, R Hoover, D McFarland, D Jurafsky
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 6, 391-406, 2018
The art and science of dynamic network visualization
S Bender-deMoll, DA McFarland
Journal of Social Structure 7 (2), 1-38, 2006
Sociology in the era of big data: The ascent of forensic social science
DA McFarland, K Lewis, A Goldberg
The American Sociologist 47, 12-35, 2016
Measurement error in network data: A re-classification
DJ Wang, X Shi, DA McFarland, J Leskovec
Social Networks 34 (4), 396-409, 2012
Ethnic composition and friendship segregation: differential effects for adolescent natives and immigrants
S Smith, F Van Tubergen, I Maas, DA McFarland
American Journal of Sociology 121 (4), 1223-1272, 2016
Motives and contexts of identity change: A case for network effects
D McFarland, H Pals
Social psychology quarterly 68 (4), 289-315, 2005
Resistance as a social drama: A study of change-oriented encounters
DA McFarland
American journal of sociology 109 (6), 1249-1318, 2004
Differentiating language usage through topic models
DA McFarland, D Ramage, J Chuang, J Heer, CD Manning, D Jurafsky
Poetics 41 (6), 607-625, 2013
Extracting social meaning: Identifying interactional style in spoken conversation
D Jurafsky, R Ranganath, D McFarland
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of …, 2009
Social networks research in higher education
S Biancani, DA McFarland
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 28, 151-215, 2013
The semiformal organization
S Biancani, DA McFarland, L Dahlander
Organization Science 25 (5), 1306-1324, 2014
Making the connection: Social bonding in courtship situations
DA McFarland, D Jurafsky, C Rawlings
American journal of sociology 118 (6), 1596-1649, 2013
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