M.H. Radfar
M.H. Radfar
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Single-channel speech separation using soft mask filtering
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (8), 2299-2310, 2007
A maximum likelihood estimation of vocal-tract-related filter characteristics for single channel speech separation
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau, A Sayadiyan
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2007, 1-15, 2006
Nonlinear minimum mean square error estimator for mixture-maximisation approximation
MH Radfar, AH Banihashemi, RM Dansereau, A Sayadiyan
Electronics Letters 42 (12), 724-725, 2006
Computational prediction of intronic microRNA targets using host gene expression reveals novel regulatory mechanisms
MH Radfar, W Wong, Q Morris
PloS one 6 (6), e19312, 2011
Monaural speech segregation based on fusion of source-driven with model-driven techniques
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau, A Sayadiyan
Speech Communication 49 (6), 464-476, 2007
The values and benefits of environmental elements on housing rents
A Ardeshiri, M Ardeshiri, M Radfar, OH Shormasty
Habitat International 55, 67-78, 2016
New oscillator concept based on band edge degeneracy in lumped double‐ladder circuits
D Oshmarin, F Yazdi, MAK Othman, J Sloan, M Radfar, MM Green, ...
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 13 (7), 950-957, 2019
Scaled factorial hidden Markov models: A new technique for compensating gain differences in model-based single channel speech separation
MH Radfar, W Wong, RM Dansereau, WY Chan
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Performance evaluation of three features for model-based single channel speech separation problem.
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau, A Sayadiyan
Interspeech, 2006
Monaural speech separation based on gain adapted minimum mean square error estimation
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau, WY Chan
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 61, 21-37, 2010
Long-term gain estimation in model-based single channel speech separation
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau
2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and …, 2007
An FPGA based implementation of G. 729
N Mobini, B Vahdat, MH Radfar
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 3571-3574, 2005
Oscillator based on lumped double ladder circuit with band edge degeneracy
D Oshmarin, F Yazdi, MAK Othman, J Sloan, M Radfar, MM Green, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.00415, 2016
Speaker-independent model-based single channel speech separation
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau, A Sayadiyan
Neurocomputing 72 (1-3), 71-78, 2008
A novel low complexity VQ-based single channel speech separation technique
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau, A Sayadiyan
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2006
A new algorithm for two-speaker pitch tracking in single channel paradigm
MH Radfar, A Sayadiyan, RM Dansereau
2006 8th international Conference on Signal Processing 1, 2006
Review of the 2Km separation distance between areas of search for onshore wind farms and the edge of cities, towns and villages
V Onyango, B Illsley, M Radfar
University of Dundee and Scottish Government, 2013
Detection of upper airway narrowing via classification of LPC coefficients: Implications for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis
H Alshaer, M Garcia, MH Radfar, GR Fernie, TD Bradley
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
A voice activated device for insulin dosage calculations for visually impaired diabetes
MH Radfar, M Hamilton, A Ming
2011 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE …, 2011
Single channel speech separation using maximum a posteriori estimation.
MH Radfar, RM Dansereau
INTERSPEECH, 958-961, 2007
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Articles 1–20