Andres Losada Baltar
Andres Losada Baltar
Professor - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). Catedrático de Psicología Clínica
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“We are staying at home.” Association of self-perceptions of aging, personal and family resources, and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of …
A Losada-Baltar, L Jiménez-Gonzalo, L Gallego-Alberto, ...
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 76 (2), e10-e16, 2021
Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) versus acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for dementia family caregivers with significant depressive symptoms: Results of a randomized …
A Losada, M Márquez-González, R Romero-Moreno, BT Mausbach, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 83 (4), 760, 2015
Estudio e intervención sobre el malestar psicológico de los cuidadores de personas con demencia. El papel de los pensamientos disfuncionales
AL Baltar
Imserso, 2006
Psychosocial factors and caregivers’ distress: Effects of familism and dysfunctional thoughts
A Losada, M Márquez-González, BG Knight, J Yanguas, P Sayegh, ...
Aging & Mental Health 14 (2), 193-202, 2010
Psychological interventions for dementia caregivers: What we have achieved, what we have learned
ST Cheng, A Au, A Losada, LW Thompson, D Gallagher-Thompson
Current psychiatry reports 21, 1-12, 2019
Cross-cultural study comparing the association of familism with burden and depressive symptoms in two samples of Hispanic dementia caregivers
A Losada, G Robinson Shurgot, BG Knight, M Marquez, I Montorio, M Izal, ...
Aging & Mental Health 10 (1), 69-76, 2006
Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice
RM Dröes, R Chattat, A Diaz, D Gove, M Graff, K Murphy, H Verbeek, ...
Aging & mental health 21 (1), 4-17, 2017
Experiencia y regulación emocional a lo largo de la etapa adulta del ciclo vital: análisis comparativo en tres grupos de edad
M Márquez-González, MIF De Trocóniz, IM Cerrato, AL Baltar
Psicothema 20 (4), 616-622, 2008
The effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions for informal dementia caregivers: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
ST Cheng, KK Li, A Losada, F Zhang, A Au, LW Thompson, ...
Psychology and Aging 35 (1), 55, 2020
Diferencias en función de la edad y la autopercepción del envejecimiento en ansiedad, tristeza, soledad y sintomatología comórbida ansioso-depresiva durante el confinamiento …
A Losada-Baltar, M Márquez-González, L Jiménez-Gonzalo, ...
Revista española de geriatría y gerontología 55 (5), 272-278, 2020
Eficacia diferencial de dos intervenciones psicoeducativas para cuidadores de familiares con demencia
A Losada-Baltar, M Izal-Fernández de Trocóniz, I Montorio-Cerrato, ...
Revista de Neurología 38 (8), 701-708, 2004
International perspectives on nonpharmacological best practices for dementia family caregivers: a review
D Gallagher-Thompson, YM Tzuang, A Au, H Brodaty, G Charlesworth, ...
Clinical Gerontologist 35 (4), 316-355, 2012
Mechanisms of action of a psychological intervention for dementia caregivers: Effects of behavioral activation and modification of dysfunctional thoughts
A Losada, M Márquez‐González, R Romero‐Moreno
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 26 (11), 1119-1127, 2011
Loneliness and mental health in a representative sample of community-dwelling Spanish older adults
A Losada, M Márquez-González, L García-Ortiz, MA Gómez-Marcos, ...
The Journal of psychology 146 (3), 277-292, 2012
Modification of dysfunctional thoughts about caregiving in dementia family caregivers: Description and outcomes of an intervention programme
M Márquez-González, A Losada, M Izal, G Pérez-Rojo, I Montorio
Aging & Mental Health 11 (6), 616-625, 2007
Development and validation of the Caregiver Guilt Questionnaire
A Losada, M Márquez-González, C Peñacoba, R Romero-Moreno
International Psychogeriatrics 22 (4), 650-660, 2010
Edadismo: consecuencias de los estereotipos, del prejuicio y la discriminación en la atención a las personas mayores. Algunas pautas para la intervención
AL Baltar
Informes Portal Mayores 14, 2004
Relationships between quality of life and family function in caregiver
E Rodríguez-Sánchez, A Pérez-Peñaranda, A Losada-Baltar, ...
BMC family practice 12, 1-7, 2011
Función familiar y salud mental del cuidador de familiares con dependencia
AP Peñaranda, LG Ortiz, ER Sánchez, AL Baltar, NP Santos, MÁG Marcos
Atención primaria 41 (11), 621-628, 2009
Cognitive fusion in dementia caregiving: Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the" Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire".
R Romero-Moreno, M Márquez-González, A Losada, D Gillanders, ...
Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual 22 (1), 2014
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20