Michael L. Crowe
Michael L. Crowe
VA Boston Healthcare System
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Cited by
Exploring the structure of narcissism: Toward an integrated solution
ML Crowe, DR Lynam, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Journal of Personality 87 (6), 1151-1169, 2019
Vulnerable narcissism is (mostly) a disorder of neuroticism
JD Miller, DR Lynam, C Vize, M Crowe, C Sleep, JL Maples‐Keller, ...
Journal of personality 86 (2), 186-199, 2018
Using online, crowdsourcing platforms for data collection in personality disorder research: The example of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.
JD Miller, M Crowe, B Weiss, JL Maples-Keller, DR Lynam
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 8 (1), 26, 2017
A critical appraisal of the dark-triad literature and suggestions for moving forward
JD Miller, C Vize, ML Crowe, DR Lynam
Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (4), 353-360, 2019
Uncovering the structure of agreeableness from self‐report measures
ML Crowe, DR Lynam, JD Miller
Journal of Personality 86 (5), 771-787, 2018
An evaluation of DSM–5 Section III personality disorder Criterion A (impairment) in accounting for psychopathology.
CE Sleep, DR Lynam, TA Widiger, ML Crowe, JD Miller
Psychological Assessment 31 (10), 1181, 2019
Development and validation of the Narcissistic Vulnerability Scale: An adjective rating scale.
ML Crowe, EA Edershile, AGC Wright, WK Campbell, DR Lynam, ...
Psychological assessment 30 (7), 978, 2018
The quandary of covarying: A brief review and empirical examination of covariate use in structural neuroimaging studies on psychological variables
CS Hyatt, MM Owens, ML Crowe, NT Carter, DR Lynam, JD Miller
NeuroImage 205, 116225, 2020
Validation of the Narcissistic Grandiosity Scale and creation of reduced item variants.
M Crowe, NT Carter, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Psychological Assessment 28 (12), 1550, 2016
A day in the life of Narcissus: Measuring narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability in daily life.
EA Edershile, WC Woods, BM Sharpe, ML Crowe, JD Miller, AGC Wright
Psychological Assessment 31 (7), 913, 2019
A comparison of the nomological networks associated with forced-choice and Likert formats of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory
JD Miller, B Gentile, NT Carter, M Crowe, BJ Hoffman, WK Campbell
Journal of personality assessment 100 (3), 259-267, 2018
Using dominance analysis to decompose narcissism and its relation to aggression and externalizing outcomes
CE Vize, KL Collison, ML Crowe, WK Campbell, JD Miller, DR Lynam
Assessment 26 (2), 260-270, 2019
Consensual lay profiles of narcissism and their connection to the Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory.
JD Miller, DR Lynam, L Siedor, M Crowe, WK Campbell
Psychological Assessment 30 (1), 10, 2018
Identifying two groups of entitled individuals: Cluster analysis reveals emotional stability and self-esteem distinction
ML Crowe, AC LoPilato, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Journal of personality disorders 30 (6), 762-775, 2016
Components of the triarchic model of psychopathy and the five-factor model domains share largely overlapping nomological networks
CS Hyatt, ML Crowe, DR Lynam, JD Miller
Assessment 27 (1), 72-88, 2020
Self-esteem and narcissism: An item response theory analysis of curvilinearity
ML Crowe, CE Sleep, NT Carter, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Personality and Individual Differences 128, 16-20, 2018
Comparing self-report measures of grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism, and narcissistic personality disorder in a male offender sample.
EA Krusemark, WK Campbell, ML Crowe, JD Miller
Psychological Assessment 30 (7), 984, 2018
Development and validation of the super-short form of the Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory (FFNI-SSF)
MP West, JD Miller, B Weiss, CC Spencer, ML Crowe, WK Campbell, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 177, 110825, 2021
Psychopathic boldness: Narcissism, self-esteem, or something in between?
JD Miller, CE Sleep, ML Crowe, DR Lynam
Personality and Individual Differences 155, 109761, 2020
Difficulties with the conceptualization and assessment of Criterion A in the DSM–5 alternative model of personality disorder: A reply to Morey (2019).
CE Sleep, DR Lynam, TA Widiger, ML Crowe, JD Miller
American Psychological Association 31 (10), 1200, 2019
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Articles 1–20