Anne Eskildsen
Anne Eskildsen
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Testing species distribution models across space and time: high latitude butterflies and recent warming
A Eskildsen, PC le Roux, RK Heikkinen, TT Høye, WD Kissling, J Pöyry, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (12), 1293-1303, 2013
Ecological specialization matters: long‐term trends in butterfly species richness and assemblage composition depend on multiple functional traits
A Eskildsen, LG Carvalheiro, WD Kissling, JC Biesmeijer, O Schweiger, ...
Diversity and distributions 21 (7), 792-802, 2015
High-Arctic butterflies become smaller with rising temperatures
JJ Bowden, A Eskildsen, RR Hansen, K Olsen, CM Kurle, TT Høye
Biology Letters 11 (10), 20150574, 2015
Phenology of high-arctic butterflies and their floral resources: species-specific responses to climate change
TT Høye, A Eskildsen, RR Hansen, JJ Bowden, NM Schmidt, WD Kissling
Current Zoology 60 (2), 243-251, 2014
Red-listed species and forest continuity–A multi-taxon approach to conservation in temperate forests
KK Flensted, HH Bruun, R Ejrnæs, A Eskildsen, PF Thomsen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 378, 144-159, 2016
Improving national habitat specific biodiversity indicators using relative habitat use for common birds
JL Larsen, H Heldbjerg, A Eskildsen
Ecological Indicators 11 (5), 1459-1466, 2011
The collapse of marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) populations associated with declining host plant abundance
AK Brunbjerg, TT Høye, A Eskildsen, B Nygaard, CF Damgaard, R Ejrnæs
Biological Conservation 211, 117-124, 2017
Use of an objective indicator species selection method shows decline in bird populations in Danish habitats
A Eskildsen, JD Larsen, H Heldbjerg
Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 107 (2), 191-207, 2013
Evaluering af indsatsen for biodiversiteten i de danske skove 1992-2012
VK Johannsen
Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet, 2013
Strong isolation by distance among local populations of an endangered butterfly species (Euphydryas aurinia)
C Pertoldi, A Ruiz‐Gonzalez, S Bahrndorff, N Renee Lauridsen, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (18), 12790-12800, 2021
Truede og sjældne ynglefugle i Danmark 2010
A Eskildsen, T Vikstrøm
Dansk Ornitologiske Forening 108, 1-144, 2011
Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2009: årsrapport for punkttællingsprojektet
H Heldbjerg, A Eskildsen
Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, 2010
Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975-2008: årsrapport for punkttællingsprojektet
H Heldbjerg, A Eskildsen
Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, 2009
Overvågning af de almindelige fuglearter i Danmark 1975–2007
H Hedbjerg, A Eskildsen
Årsrapport for Punkttaellingsprojektet. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (in …, 2008
Effects of resource abundance on habitat selection and spatial behavior of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus)
A Eskildsen
Doctoral dissertation, M. Sc. thesis. University of Copenhagen, Department …, 2010
MDD Hansen, A Eskildsen
Naturhistorisk Museum, 2014
Long-term effects of global change on the distribution, species richness and life history of butterflies
A Eskildsen
Aarhus University, Science and Technology, 2015
En sommerfuglefauna i forandring
A Eskildsen, LG Carvalheiro, J Biesmeijer, WD Kissling, O Schweiger, ...
Long-term Effects of Global Change on the Distribution, Species Richness and Life History of Butterflies: PhD Thesis
A Eskildsen
Aarhus University, 2015
A century of species loss and biotic homogenisation in Danish butterflies
A Eskildsen, LG Carvalheiro, J Biesmeijer, O Schweiger, WD Kissling, ...
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Articles 1–20