D. Phil Turnipseed
D. Phil Turnipseed
Retired Scientist
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Discharge measurements at gaging stations
DP Turnipseed, VB Sauer
Techniques and methods, 2010
Climate change and water resources management: A federal perspective
LD Brekke
Diane Publishing, 2009
Stage measurement at gaging stations
VB Sauer, DP Turnipseed
Techniques and methods, 2010
Nautical Depth for U.S. Navigable Waterways: A Review
W McAnally, R Kirby, S Hodge, T Welp, N Greiser, P Shrestrha, ...
J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Engineering, 2015
Integrating disparate lidar datasets for a regional storm tide inundation analysis of Hurricane Katrina
JM Stoker, DJ Tyler, DP Turnipseed, K Van Wilson Jr, MJ Oimoen
Journal of Coastal Research, 66-72, 2009
Geomorphic response to channel modifications of Skuna River at the State Highway 9 crossing at Bruce, Calhoun County, Mississippi
KV Wilson Jr, DP Turnipseed
Water-Resources Investigations Report, 1994
Mapping hurricane Katrina peak storm surge in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana
DP Turnipseed, KV Wilson Jr, J Stoker, D Tyler
Proceedings of the 37th Mississippi Water Resources Conference, 202-207, 2007
Streamflow and Nutrient Data for the Yazoo River below Steele Bayou near Long Lake, Mississippi, 1996-2000
MS Runner, DP Turnipseed, RH Coupe
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 2 (4215), 2002
Channel and Bank Stability of Big Black River Canal Tributary at US Highway 82 at Stewart, Montgomery County, Mississippi
KV Wilson
US Geological Survey 89 (35), 1989
The National Streamflow Statistics Program
DP Turnipseed
Proceedings of the 2007 USGS National Surface Water Conference and …, 2007
The National Streamflow Statistics Program: Estimating high and low streamflow statistics for ungaged sites
DP Turnipseed, KG Ries III
Fact Sheet, 2007
Screening native botanicals for bioactivity: An interdisciplinary approach
A Boudreau, DM Cheng, C Ruiz, D Ribnicky, L Allain, CR Brassieur, ...
Nutrition 30 (7-8), S11-S16, 2014
Discharge measurements at gaging stations: US Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 3, chap. A8, 87 p., accessed December 16, 2017
DP Turnipseed, VB Sauer
pubs. usgs. gov/tm/tm3-a8, 2010
Hurricane Georges: Headwater flooding, storm surge, beach erosion, and habitat destruction on the central gulf coast
DP Turnipseed
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 98 (4231), 1998
Channel-Bed and Channel-Bank Stability of Standing Pine Creek Tributary at State Highway 488 at Free Trade, Leake County, Mississippi
KV Wilson Jr, DP Turnipseed
US Geological Survey Open-File Report 93 (37), 20, 1993
Channel and bank stability of Standing Pine Creek at State Highway 488 near Freeny, Leake County, Mississippi
DP Turnipseed, KV Wilson
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-112, 18, 1992
Spatial analysis of coastal land loss by soil type
JM Hill, DP Turnipseed
Journal of Coastal Research, 83-91, 1989
Water resources and stability: Changing climate impacts to water resources: Implications for stability
JR Olsen, KD White, JE Kiang, DP Turnipseed
Perspectives on Political and Social Regional Stability Impacted by …, 2010
Lateral movement and stability of channel banks near two highway crossings in the Pascagoula River Basin in Mississippi
DP Turnipseed
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 93 (4131), 1993
Ecosystem Effects in the Lower Mississippi River Basin: Chapter L in 2011 Floods of the Central United States
DP Turnipseed, YC Allen, BR Couvillion, KL Mckee, WC Vervaeke
Reston, VA: US Geological Survey, 2014
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