Joao Amaro de Matos
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Cited by
Theoretical foundations of corporate finance
JA De Matos
Princeton University Press, 2001
Sustainability and organizational change
JA De Matos, SR Clegg
Journal of Change Management 13 (4), 382-386, 2013
Venture capital as human resource management
AG De Carvalho, CW Calomiris, JA de Matos
Journal of Economics and Business 60 (3), 223-255, 2008
Fluctuations in the Curie-Weiss version of the random field Ising model
JMG Amaro de Matos, JF Perez
Journal of statistical physics 62 (3), 587-608, 1991
Random infinite-volume Gibbs states for the Curie-Weiss random field Ising model
JMG Amaro de Matos, AE Patrick, VA Zagrebnov
Journal of statistical physics 66 (1), 139-164, 1992
Social norms and the paradox of elections’ turnout
J Amaro de Matos, PP Barros
Public Choice 121 (1), 239-255, 2004
Towards an organizational model of attitude change
LA Costa, JA De Matos
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 8, 315-335, 2002
Integration and deployment of a distributed and pluggable industrial architecture for the perform project
G Angione, J Barbosa, F Gosewehr, P Leitão, D Massa, J Matos, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 11, 896-904, 2017
Testing the Markov property with high frequency data
JA De Matos, M Fernandes
Journal of Econometrics 141 (1), 44-64, 2007
On the value of European options on a stock paying a discrete dividend
J Amaro de Matos, R Dilao, B Ferreira
Journal of Modelling in Management 4 (3), 235-248, 2009
The manager as change agent: Communication channels, timing of information, and attitude change
LA Costa, JA Matos, MPE Cunha
International Studies of Management & Organization 33 (4), 65-93, 2003
The manager as change agent: Communication channels, timing of information, and attitude change
L Almeida Costa, J Amaro de Matos
International Studies of Management and Organization 33 (4), 65-93, 2003
Sustainability and organizational change management
S Clegg, JA de Matos
Routledge, 2016
Super-Replicating Bounds on European Option Prices when the Underlying Asset is Illiquid
J Amaro de Matos, P Antão
Economics Bulletin 7 (1), 1-7, 2001
The exact value for European options on a stock paying a discrete dividend
JA de Matos, R Dilao, B Ferreira
arXiv preprint math/0609212, 2006
Fluctuations in dilute antiferromagnets: Curie-Weiss models
JMGA De Matos, JAB Segundo, JF Perez
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (10), 2819, 1999
Attitude change in arbitrarily large organizations
LA Costa, JA de Matos
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 20, 219-251, 2014
Fluctuations in the Curie-Weiss version of the Ising model with random field
JMGA de Matos, JF Perez
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 5 (3), 277, 2007
Debt, information asymmetry and bankers on board
JA de Matos, J Mergulhao
Journal of Network Theory in Finance, 2018
Consuming durable goods when stock markets jump: A strategic asset allocation approach
JA de Matos, N Silva
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 42, 86-104, 2014
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Articles 1–20