Rudy M. Jonker
Rudy M. Jonker
Twents Carmelcollege
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Personality predicts the use of social information
RHJM Kurvers, K Van Oers, BA Nolet, RM Jonker, SE Van Wieren, ...
Ecology letters 13 (7), 829-837, 2010
Predation danger can explain changes in timing of migration: the case of the barnacle goose
RM Jonker, G Eichhorn, F Van Langevelde, S Bauer
PLoS One 5 (6), e11369, 2010
Contrasting context dependence of familiarity and kinship in animal social networks
RHJM Kurvers, VMAP Adamczyk, RHS Kraus, JI Hoffman, SE van Wieren, ...
Animal Behaviour 86 (5), 993-1001, 2013
Disentangling the contribution of sexual selection and ecology to the evolution of size dimorphism in pinnipeds
O Krüger, JBW Wolf, RM Jonker, JI Hoffman, F Trillmich
Evolution 68 (5), 1485-1496, 2014
Genetic consequences of breaking migratory traditions in barnacle geese Branta leucopsis
RM Jonker, RHS Kraus, Q Zhang, P Hooft, K Larsson, HP Jeugd, ...
Molecular ecology 22 (23), 5835-5847, 2013
Variation at phenological candidate genes correlates with timing of dispersal and plumage morph in a sedentary bird of prey
N Chakarov, RM Jonker, M Boerner, JI Hoffman, O Krüger
Molecular ecology 22 (21), 5430-5440, 2013
The Development of a Genome Wide SNP Set for the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis
RM Jonker, Q Zhang, P Van Hooft, MJJE Loonen, HP Van der Jeugd, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e38412, 2012
Climate change and habitat heterogeneity drive a population increase in Common Buzzards Buteo buteo through effects on survival
RM Jonker, N Chakarov, O Krüger
Ibis 156 (1), 97-106, 2014
Divergence in timing of parental care and migration in barnacle geese
RM Jonker, MW Kuiper, L Snijders, SE Van Wieren, RC Ydenberg, ...
Behavioral Ecology 22 (2), 326-331, 2011
Territory quality affects the relative importance of habitat heterogeneity and interference competition in a long‐lived territorial songbird
T Grünkorn, A Potiek, V Looft, RM Jonker, N Chakarov, O Krüger
Journal of Avian Biology 45 (1), 15-21, 2014
Does systematic variation improve the reproducibility of animal experiments?
RM Jonker, A Guenther, L Engqvist, T Schmoll
Nature Methods 10 (5), 373, 2013
Rapid adaptive adjustment of parental care coincident with altered migratory behaviour
RM Jonker, RHJM Kurvers, A van de Bilt, M Faber, SE Van Wieren, ...
Evolutionary Ecology 26, 657-667, 2012
Comment on Bateman in nature: predation on offspring reduces the potential for sexual selection.
SA Ramm, RM Jonker, K Reinhold, T Székely, F Trillmich, T Schmoll, ...
Science 340, 549, 2013
Verbroken ganzentradities
R Jonker
De Levende Natuur 115, 190-190, 2014
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Articles 1–14